Select Perspective Values in Financial Reporting Compliance

You can assign perspective values to risks, controls, and processes.

Use the Perspectives panel of the page you'd use to create or edit any of these objects. Initially, this panel displays a single list field. When you select a perspective hierarchy in that list field, the panel expands to display Available and Selected fields. Move the values you want from the Available field to the Selected field.

As you select values:

  • You can type text in a Perspective Name search field to produce a list of matching perspective values. The search returns values without concern for hierarchical relationships.

  • You can use View options to expand or contract the entire hierarchy or nodes within the hierarchy.

Also note the following:

  • For the Perspectives panel to appear in the create or edit page for an object, you must associate at least one perspective hierarchy with that object. You can associate perspectives with objects in the Module Perspectives page of the Setup and Administration work area.

  • A hierarchy name may appear with an asterisk in the list field in which you select it for an object. That means it's required for the object; you can't save an instance of that object if no value is selected from that hierarchy. (The required designation is made when the hierarchy is associated with the object in the Module Perspectives page.)

  • If two or more perspective hierarchies are associated with the object, you can assign values from any combination of them, although you select from one hierarchy at a time.

You can also select perspective values either as you create assessment plans or as you initiate assessment batches. The purpose would be to cause a batch to include risks, controls, or processes assigned matching values, and to determine how they're distributed to the people who work to assess them. The selection process is discussed in topics titled Create or Edit an Assessment Plan and Initiate an Assessment Batch.