Create or Edit a Perspective Hierarchy

To create or edit a perspective hierarchy, name it and set other high-level details, create or modify perspective values, then define their hierarchical relationships.

  1. Open the Perspectives work area. Then either:

    • Select the create action.

    • Click the row representing a hierarchy and select the edit action.

  2. As you create a hierarchy, enter a name, select a type, and set a status (Active or Inactive) in the General panel. You may also create a description. As you edit a hierarchy, you can modify the status or description, but you can't edit the name or type.

    You may select a given type value for any number of hierarchies. However, all values for a given type must be unique. Hierarchies of a given type may not share values. A given value may be used in more than one hierarchy only if the hierarchies are of different types.

  3. Use the Perspective Hierarchy panel to create any number of perspective values. Each requires a name and a status (Active or Inactive). You may add a description or attach documents.

    The first value you create is the root node. You can't move it from that position. Its name may match the name of the perspective hierarchy, but it doesn't have to.

  4. Under Perspective Items, adjust the relative positions of all but the root node to define hierarchical relationships. A parent node is situated above and to the left of a child node. Nodes are peers if they're indented equally. A child node is situated below and to the right of its parent.

    It's recommended that you create no more than five hierarchical levels below the root level. Although you can create values at lower levels, they would never be used. That's because you can associate object records with perspective values only down to the fifth subordinate level.

    For ease of working with a large hierarchy, you may select among view options that expand or collapse all nodes, or all that descend from a node you've selected.

  5. Typically as you edit a hierarchy, select any value in the Perspective Hierarchy panel to view information about it in the Item Details panel. Select tabs in this panel to view general configuration details, or to identify objects this value has been assigned to.

After you create a perspective hierarchy, you must map it to the types of object users can assign its values to. Until you do, the perspective hierarchy isn't available for use.