Import Template Options

The Data Migration template is an Excel workbook organized into tabbed worksheets. Each tab is devoted to a particular type of data.

You can import:

  • Object data. In distinct worksheets, supply data that defines processes, risks, controls, test plans, and risk models.

  • Transaction data. In distinct worksheets, supply data that defines assessments and issues.

  • Perspective data.

    • In a Perspective worksheet, name and assign type codes to your perspectives.

    • In a Perspective Item worksheet, define values for all your perspectives. (You select a type code for each value in this worksheet. It must match the type code for the perspective that the value belongs to. The code for the perspective is set in the Perspective worksheet.) A perspective item name can't exceed 50 characters.

    • In a Perspective Hierarchy worksheet, define relationships. Note that each perspective hierarchy can have a maximum of five hierarchical levels.

      In the worksheet, each row defines a parent-child relationship between two values from the Perspective Item worksheet. Each row also relates its pair of values to a hierarchy defined in the Perspective worksheet. Specifically:

      In a PERSP_ITEM_NAME column, enter the name of a value that's the parent of another value.

      In a CHILD_NAME column, enter the name of a value that's the child of the value in the PERSP_ITEM_NAME column.

      In a TREE_NAME column, enter the name of the perspective hierarchy both values belong to.

      In a ROOT column, enter Y if the PERSP_ITEM_NAME column contains the root value of the hierarchy, or N if it doesn't.

  • Association data. Distinct worksheets define how processes relate to risks; how risks relate to controls; how perspective values relate to processes, risks, or controls; and how issues relate to the items they're raised against.

    In each case, the worksheet title specifies the two associated items. For example, a Risk Control worksheet defines how individual risks relate to individual controls. To define an association, you match the ID for one item with the ID for another. These IDs are established in the worksheets that define the items.