Manage Export Jobs

Although you initiate an export job in the page to manage the type of data you're exporting, you complete the job in the Monitor Jobs page.

You can:

  • Export models, advanced controls, or global conditions from Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls.

  • Use a Data Migration utility to export templates containing operational data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Financial Reporting Compliance. A template serves as a vehicle for the import of new operational data.

  • Export reports from either application.

  • Export user assignment groups.

To export data:

  1. Initiate an export. As you do, a message presents a job ID. Note the ID, then close the message. You can initiate exports from:

    • Any of the pages for managing models, advanced controls, or global conditions in the Advanced Controls work area.

    • The Data Migration page in the Setup and Administration work area.

    • The Advanced Controls Reports and Financial Compliance Reports work areas.

    • The User Assignment Groups page in the Risk Management Data Security work area.

  2. In the Monitor Jobs page, locate the row displaying the job ID you noted. When its status is Completed, click the download icon. This icon appears only in the rows for export jobs.

  3. A file-download window offers you options to open or save the export file. Select the Save option and, in a distinct save-as dialog, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file. The download file is saved in .xml format.