Perspective Status

You assign Active or Inactive status to perspective values, perspective hierarchies, and mappings of hierarchies to objects. Changes in these status values have ramifications.

  • Before you can inactivate an active perspective value, you must remove it from all instances of objects for which it's selected. If the perspective value is the hierarchical parent of other values, you must also remove the child values from objects for which they're selected.

    When you inactivate a parent value, all its child values become inactive automatically. If you add child values to an inactive parent, they're inactive, and you can't change their status. When you activate the parent value, the child values become active automatically.

  • Before you can inactivate an active hierarchy, you must complete two tasks: Remove all its values from all instances of objects for which they're selected. Also, inactivate its mappings to object types in the Module Perspectives page. While a hierarchy is inactive, you can't reset these mappings to active, and the hierarchy isn't available to be selected for new mappings.

  • You can edit an inactive perspective hierarchy. Typically, Inactive is the preferred status for a hierarchy that's in development. All values you create for it are also inactive, and you can't change their status until you activate the hierarchy itself.

  • Before you can inactivate the mapping of a perspective hierarchy to an object type, you must remove all values of the hierarchy from all instances of the mapped object.

  • A functional alternative to inactivating a hierarchy is to inactivate its mappings to all object types. Whether the hierarchy itself is inactive, or is active but has no mappings, its values are no longer available to be assigned to objects.

  • In the Perspective Assignment panel of pages to create or edit objects, a hierarchy is no longer presented in the Perspective list field if it's inactive or if its mapping to the object type is inactive. An inactivated value is no longer presented for selection in its hierarchy.