Predefined Jobs

Several predefined jobs perform background tasks related to security, notifications, and reporting.

  • Security Synchronization: This job finds users who are no longer eligible to work with records for which they're authorized as owners, editors, or viewers. They may have lost eligibility because their role assignments changed. These users are marked as ineligible for, and lose access to, the records for which they're no longer eligible. Note that ineligible users continue to have access until the job has run.

    When the Security Synchronization job runs, it also launches other jobs. Each of these, however, is considered a separate job. Runs of these jobs have distinct entries in the Monitor Jobs page:

    • Result Worklist Security Synchronization updates worklists in Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls to match current security definitions.

    • Result Summary Update prepares access-control-incident data for presentation in the Results by Control and User page and the Results by Control, User, and Role page.

    • Each of three notification jobs applies to the product included in its name: Advanced Controls Notifications, Financial Reporting Compliance Notifications, and Access Certification Notifications. These jobs may send notifications, email alerts, or both to users when tasks require their attention. (For each object to which notices apply, you can turn each type of notice on or off. To do that, use a Settings for Email Alerts and Notifications page, located in the Setup and Administration work area. See Activate Alerts.)

  • Report Synchronization: This job updates data in subject areas that support analyses run in Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence (OTBI). It handles Oracle Fusion Cloud Financial Reporting Compliance data, as well as Oracle Advanced Controls data concerning access and transaction controls and their results.

Use the Scheduling page to set schedules for these jobs, or use its Run Now feature to run them on demand. Unless you do one or the other, they don't run at all. (See Manage Job Schedules.)

  • Your ideal schedule for the Security Synchronization job should reflect the frequency of changes to roles and user assignments in your environment.

  • Because the Security Synchronization job launches the worklist-synchronization, result-update, and notification jobs, you don't do anything to schedule or run them. Their runs are dependent on the schedule you set for Security Synchronization, and they don't appear in the Scheduling page.

  • Schedule the Report Synchronization job to run at a frequency (typically daily) that makes current data available to users who view OTBI analyses. Note, though, that two subject areas, Advanced Access Models Real Time and Advanced Financial Models Real Time, use a distinct synchronization job that must be run manually. (See Synchronize Model Result Data for OTBI Reporting.)

One more predefined job, Access Certification Synchronization, performs background tasks that support Oracle Fusion Cloud Access Certifications. These include:

  • Ensure the validity of owner assignments to certifications. If any is invalid, replace it with an All Eligible Owners value.

  • Update reporting tables with changes to owner, manager, or certifier assignments.

  • Update active continuous certifications with new assignments of scoped roles.

Unlike the other jobs, you don't need to schedule Access Certification Synchronization. It begins running when you create your initial certification, and then runs once a day. You're not expected to modify this schedule.

Two more predefined jobs support Advanced Access Requests, in which users may request role assignments, or review or approve those requests. Both jobs are scheduled by default to run daily. Although that's recommended, you can use the Scheduling page to modify the schedules.

  • Advanced Access Request Analysis runs all active access controls to uncover violations in all requests that have accumulated since the job's previous run.

    Schedule the Global User Synchronization job to run before the Advanced Access Request Analysis job. It ensures that new users are correctly accounted for in access requests. (See Configure Global Users.)

  • Access Request Notifications sends email alerts if you've activated them in the Settings for Email Alerts and Notifications page.