Purge Advanced-Control Results

Records of incident or data set results generated by advanced controls remain even after they're used. You can purge results generated before a date that you specify. However, you must be an owner of a control to purge its results.

Consequences of a Purge Job

Note the following:

  • When an incident is purged, all change history associated with the incident is also purged.

  • Although an incident may be purged, the risk it represents may continue to exist in a business application. If so, the next run of advanced controls will regenerate the incident. However, any status or comments assigned to the incident before it was purged are lost.

  • If other jobs, such as control analysis or data synchronization, are running, a purge job runs only after those jobs are completed. If a purge job includes a result that a user is actively viewing, that result is purged only after the user navigates away from it.

  • Pending incidents appear in worklists. If you purge pending incidents, the worklists that listed them continue to exist, but lead nowhere. To prevent this, close the worklists before purging the incidents. To close worklists, you can:

    • Identify pending incidents among those you intend to purge, and resolve them to a status at which they're no longer pending.

    • Inactivate controls that have generated pending incidents you intend to purge. To inactivate a control, edit it to set its status to Inactive.

  • Reports generated before a purge continue to show records of purged incidents, even though those incidents no longer exist.

  • An incident control may cite a user-defined object created from a data set control. If the incident control has generated incidents, and you purge the data set results, the incidents remain open. If you rerun the incident control without first rerunning the data set control, the incidents close, because the data to support them no longer exists.

  • If you rerun the data set control, then rerun the incident control:

    • The new data set may include data that had existed before the purge. Corresponding incidents are regenerated at the Assigned status, but without comments or audit history.

    • The data set may include new data. From this data, new incidents may be generated, at the Assigned status.

How to Purge Results

To purge results:

  1. Select the Purge Results tab in the Setup and Administration work area.

  2. Enter values in these fields:

    • Control Type: Select the type of control whose results you want to purge. You can select Access, Transaction, or Both.

    • Created on or Before Date: Select a date. Risk Management purges results generated on or before that date.

  3. Optionally enter values in these fields:

    • Result Type: Select Incident or Data set. If you make no selection, you purge both types of result.

    • Incident Status: Select All, Closed, or Closed and Inactive. If you select All, you purge incidents at every status: Closed, Control Inactive, Assigned, Accepted, Remediate, and Resolved.

    • Control Name: Select one or more controls whose results are to be purged. The list of controls you can choose from is filtered by the control type and, if any, the result type you selected.

  4. Click Run Now.