Specify Assessment Activity Types

You can specify the activity types users can select as they create assessment templates or initiate impromptu assessments. Each type defines what assessors determine as they complete assessments. You can edit text associated with each activity.

Select an Object

To select an object whose activity types you want to specify:

  1. In the Setup and Administration work area, select the Configuration Options tab.

  2. In a Configure Module Objects panel, expand the Financial Reporting Compliance entry.

  3. In the expanded list, select an object: Process, Risk, or Control.

  4. Select Edit.

Select Activities

All assessment activities for all three objects are available by default.

  • Clear the Include option for each activity type you don't want to make available for the object you're configuring.

  • Ensure that the Include option remains selected for the activity types you do want to make available.

Note: Once you enter operational data for an object, you can't modify the set of assessment activities available for that object. For example, you may deselect the Documentation Update activity for the Process object. Once you create a process, you can't restore that activity.

Edit Activity Text

Each activity type includes the following components:

  • Guidance text: A broad statement of purpose an assessor may consult while completing an assessment of the object you're configuring.

  • Activity question: A question (or statement) to which an assessor must respond while completing an assessment. The response determines, in effect, whether an instance of the object passes or fails the assessment.

Click the row for each included activity to display its guidance text, activity question, and response details.

You can edit the guidance text and activity question, either before or after operational data exists. Prior guidance text and activity questions continue to apply to assessments undertaken before the edits are made. New guidance text and activity questions apply to assessments begun after the edits are made.