Compare Roles

You can compare any two roles to see the structural differences between them. As you compare roles, you can also add function security policies existing in the first role to the second role, providing that the second role isn't a predefined role.

For example, assume you've copied a role and edited the copy. You then upgrade to a new release. You can compare your edited role from the earlier release with the role as shipped in the later release. You may then decide whether to incorporate upgrade changes into your edited role. If the changes consist of new function security policies, you can upgrade your edited role by adding the new policies to it.

Select Roles for Comparison

  1. Select the Roles tab in the Security Console.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Click the Compare Roles button.

    • Create a visualization graph, right-click one of its roles, and select the Compare Roles option.

    • Generate a list of roles in the Search Results column of the Roles page. Select one of them, and click its menu icon. In the menu, select Compare Roles.

  3. Select roles for comparison:

    • If you began by clicking the Compare Roles button, select roles in both First Role and Second Role fields.

    • If you began by selecting a role in a visualization graph or the Search Results column, the First Role field displays the name of the role you selected. Select another role in the Second Role field.

    For either field, click the search icon, enter text, and select from a list of roles whose names contain that text.

Compare Roles

  1. Select two roles for comparison.

  2. Use the Filter Criteria field to filter for any combination of these artifacts in the two roles:

    • Function security policies

    • Inherited roles

    The data security policies option doesn't apply to Oracle Fusion Cloud Risk Management.

  3. Use the Show field to determine whether the comparison returns:

    • All artifacts existing in each role

    • Those that exist only in one role, or only in the other role

    • Those that exist only in both roles

  4. Click the Compare button.

You can export the results of a comparison to a spreadsheet. Select the Export to Excel option.

After you create the initial comparison, you can change the filter and show options. When you do, a new comparison is generated automatically.

Add Policies to a Role

  1. Select two roles for comparison.

    • As the First Role, select a role policies already exist in.

    • As the Second Role, select the role you're adding the policies to. This must be a custom role. You can't modify a predefined role.

  2. In the Filter Criteria field, select Function security policies. The Data security policies option doesn't apply, and the Inherited roles option is to be excluded for any application.

  3. As a Show value, select Only in first role.

  4. Click the Compare button.

  5. Among the artifacts returned by the comparison, select those you want to copy.

  6. An Add to Second Role option becomes active. Select it.