Secure Business Objects

To work with transaction models or controls, users require access to business objects. By default, however, they don't have any. Your organization must assign each user the objects he or she can use.

A business object is, in effect, a data set. A "delivered" business object supplies values for a set of related data fields from a business application. An "imported" object includes data imported from an xml file. A "user-defined" object consists of data returned by a specially configured advanced control. The need to assign objects to users applies to each of these object types.

Note: This feature applies only to transaction models and controls. Business objects that apply to access models and controls, and to access certifications, are available automatically to all users who work with these items.

To select the business objects available to users of Advanced Financial Controls:

  1. Navigate to Risk Management > Risk Management Data Security. Select the Business Object Security tab.

  2. A Business Object Security page presents a list of users under the heading User Access to Business Objects. Users appear in this list if they're assigned roles that include two privileges, View Transaction Model and View Transaction Control. Use a search field to filter the list for users for whom you want to select business objects.

  3. For each user, you may select a "Grant access to all business objects" check box. Or, click the user's name to assign objects to the user.

  4. If you click the user's name:

    • No objects may yet be assigned to the user. In that case, a page offers you a choice between adding objects manually or selecting another user to copy that user's access. To do the latter, search for and select a user in the User field, and click the Copy button. Or, to select business objects manually, click Add.

    • If objects have already been assigned to the user, the page offering the option to copy another user's access is skipped, and the page to add objects appears, displaying the user's current access.

In the page to add objects, you can select products, and so add all the business objects that apply to each product you select. If you take this approach, the user's access to business objects is updated automatically to reflect any future changes to the business objects that apply to each product.

  1. Click Add in the Access by Product panel of the page to add objects. A new row appears.

  2. Use the drop-down list to search for and select a product.

  3. Click Save. This selects all the business objects appropriate for that product.

Repeat the process for any other products you want to select. Or, you can click the x icon in the row for any product you want to delete.

Alternatively, you can select business objects themselves:

  1. Click Add in the Access by Business Object panel of the page to add objects. A new row appears.

  2. Use the drop-down list to search for and select a business object.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Repeat the process to add other objects.

You can make selections in both panels, but can't select the same object in both. That is, if you select a product, the business objects that belong to it are no longer available for selection in the Access by Business Object panel. If you select an object, the product it belongs to is no longer available for selection in the Access by Product panel. (For reference, the Access by Business Object panel displays both the names of business objects and, for each, the name of the product it belongs to, in parentheses.)

If you've selected some objects belonging to a product, but then want to select their product instead, first remove the objects from the Access by Business Object panel:

  1. Use the search field to search for the objects you want to remove.

  2. Click the check box in the row for each object.

  3. Click the Remove button.