An Example of Creating an Analysis in the Wizard

Suppose you want to monitor the number of unresolved issues created each month. You need to select columns that provide counts of issues and that track time. You also need to create filters that exclude closed issues.

  1. Open the wizard: Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics. Click the Create button. In its list, click Analysis.

  2. Under Select Subject Area, click the checkbox for the Risk Management Cloud - Compliance Real Time subject area. Then click Continue.

  3. Select three columns: Count of Issues from the Facts - Issue folder, State from the Issue Details folder, and Calendar Month Start Date from the Time folder. In each case, expand the folder in the Subject Area list, click the column name, and then click the > button.

  4. Click Next. In the Select Views page, enter a title: Unresolved Issues by Month. In the Table list, select the value Table (recommended). In the Graph list, select the value Bar (recommended). In the Layout list, select Table below Graph.

  5. Click the Preview option. You should now see:

    • A bar graph. Each vertical bar represents a number of issues that were created in a particular month and are now at a particular state. All bars are the same color.

    • A table. Each row reports a number of issues that were created in a particular month and are now at a particular state. Columns correspond to your selections from the Compliance Real Time subject area, in the order you selected them.

  6. Click Next. In the Edit Table page, leave all of the columns in the Columns field. But change their order to organize records by issue-creation month: Select Calendar Month Start Date, and click the Up button until that column is on top. Leave Count of Issues second and State third. In the preview, the table reflects your changes.

  7. Click Next. In the Edit Graph page, make the bars in the graph easily distinguishable by making them different colors. In the Group By field, select Calendar Month Start Date. Then open the Move To list, and select Vary Color By. The column name moves to the Vary Color By field. In the preview, bars appear in distinct colors representing the months issues were created.

  8. Click Next. In a Sort and Filter page:

    • Remove records of resolved issues. Click Add Filter and, in its list, click the State column. A row appears. In its Operator field, select is not equal to, and in its Value field, type a state that indicates resolution, for example Final Close. Create a distinct filter for each state you want to exclude. (For state and status definitions, see State and Status of Records in Advanced Controls and State and Status of Records in Financial Reporting Compliance.)

    • Sort records in the table. For each of the following sorts, click Add Sort, select a column, and choose a sort order. For Calendar Month and Start Date, select Ascending sort order. For Count of Issues, select the High to Low sort order.

      Note that the first column you select is the primary sort column, the second is secondary, and so on. Each sort you create takes effect only if it doesn't undo a higher-level sort. You can rearrange the sort order: click the Up or Down icon in the row for each sort parameter to move it.

  9. Click Next until you reach the Save page. Reenter the analysis title, Unresolved Issues by Month, and select the folder in which you want to save the analysis. Then click Submit.