Create an Import File for Business Objects

For transaction models, you can import any set of data and use it as if it were a business object. An import file may contain data for any number of objects, and it may organize related objects into groups.

Use Excel 2003 or later to create an import file and save it in XML format. You may then import the XML file or a ZIP compression of the file. The maximum size of the XML or ZIP file is 1 megabyte. Construct the file to contain the following worksheets:

  • Title the first sheet "BO Group Definitions." Include a row for each group the file is to create. You may create any number of groups, but must create at least one. In each row, provide values in these columns:

    • A column headed "BO Group Name" contains a value that serves as a collective name for a set of objects the file is to create. (A set may consist of only one object.)

    • A "BO Group Type" column provides a label that characterizes the content of its group. A type label might, for example, be Financials or Procurement.

  • Title the second sheet "BO Definitions." Include a row for each object the file is to create, providing values in these columns:

    • A column headed "BO Group Name" contains the name of the group this object belongs to. This is a name established in the BO Group Definitions sheet.

    • A "BO Name" column contains the name of an object the file is to create. Each name must be unique. It can't match the name of another object in its group, an object in any other group, or an object already existing in the application.

    • A "BO Category" column includes a label describing the data an individual object is to contain. You may use labels that apply to standard business objects, such as Transaction, Operational Master Data, and Configuration Setup Data. You may, however, use any other value.

    • Additional columns contain the names of attributes that serve as key fields for the object. These columns are headed "BO Key1," "BO Key2," "BO Key3," and so on. You must supply a value for BO Key1. You may create as many additional keys as you need. However, all but BO Key1 are optional. As you create key column headers, don't leave gaps in the numbering. However, these columns may appear in any order.

  • Title the third sheet "Attribute Definitions." This sheet lists all attributes for all objects the file is to create. Establish three columns: "BO Name," "Attribute Name," and "Attribute Datatype." In each row, supply:

    • The name of one of the objects established in the BO Definitions sheet.

    • The name of an attribute of that object. The attribute name must not match the name of the object it belongs to.

    • The data type for that attribute. Valid data types include String, Integer, Time stamp, Double, and Long.

  • Include a sheet for each object the file is to create. Each of these sheets may have any title. A suggestion is "Data-[Object Name]," with the name of an object, established in the BO Definitions sheet, replacing the "[Object Name]" placeholder.

    • In the first cell of the first row, provide the name of the object as a header.

    • In the second row, as column headers, provide the object's attribute names, as established in the Attribute Definitions sheet.

    • All remaining rows contain attribute values.

    • For the attribute you defined as BO Key1, no value can be blank.

  • Observe the following formatting standards:

    • Cells may contain absolute values, formulas, or reference links. (A reference link enables a cell in one worksheet to be populated with the value of a cell in another worksheet.)

    • Remove any total-amount rows not directly tied to specific data attributes.

    • Remove numeric formatting (such as dollar signs). Use the Format Cells - General option.

    • To indicate negative amounts, use a negative sign, not open and close parentheses.

    • For date values, use any of the following formats: MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM, MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PM, or MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (Military Time).