Security - Audit Real Time
Provides real-time information on audit details related to security. For example, when a custom role was created, when roles were assigned to specific users, or when roles were given specific function or data privileges.
Business Questions
This subject area can answer the following business questions:
Job Roles
The following job roles secure access to this subject area:
Duty Roles
The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:
Primary Navigation
Tools > Security Console
Time Reporting
This subject area does not support history data.
Transactional Grain
Not applicable.
Special Considerations
This subject area can't be used to create a cross-subject area analysis. Don't mix data from different folders within this subject area either. For example, keep data from the Data Security Policy Audit folder separate from the Instance Set Audit folder. If you need to combine data from different folders, use a union operation or create a report instead of an analysis.