Optimize Performance

You may modify settings that improve performance by reducing the number of records involved in data-intensive operations.

Access Performance Configuration

By default, the number of records an access model can return is limited to 5,000. You can set this value lower, but not higher. This limit applies only to results returned by access models. It doesn't apply to incidents generated by access controls.

A model may return records slightly in excess of the limit. If the result set includes one record of a user with an access conflict, it must include all records involving that user. So when the result set reaches its nominal limit, analysis may continue until records are complete for all users already included in the return set. However, the model-analysis job adds no records for users not already included in the result set.

On the other hand, model results may fall short of the limit. This can happen if global users are configured so that individual global user IDs are associated with more than one actual user.

Also by default, users can't override the limit as they run models. You may, however, select an option that permits users to override the limit on a model-by-model basis.

Transaction Performance Configuration

Each business object used in a transaction model or control belongs to a category. A Transaction object contains records that pertain to actual transactions, which are created or updated frequently and in large volume. Objects in Operational Master Data and Configuration Setup Data categories contain records that change infrequently, such as setup records.

For Transaction business objects, data synchronization operates on records created or updated on or after a cutoff date you specify. This date is required; data-synchronization jobs fail if no date is set. This cutoff date has no effect on Operational Master Data or Configuration Setup Data business objects. For them, a synchronization job encompasses all records, no matter when they were created or updated.

The cutoff date for Transaction-object data forms one boundary for a time period during which data is selected. It's static, but the other boundary, the current date, is dynamic. As time passes, the period grows longer, and so the amount of data available for synchronization grows larger. Reset the cutoff date periodically, so that you maintain a time period short enough to produce an amount of data that doesn't impact performance negatively. Typically, the outside limit is two years' worth of Transaction-object data. Note that incidents close automatically if they're related to records no longer subject to synchronization after you reset the cutoff date.

Audit Performance Configuration

Audit business objects store data intended for use in models and controls that perform change tracking. Such an object stores not only the most recently set value for a given field, but also the prior value. Data-synchronization runs include audit business objects along with other business-object types. However, records in Audit business objects aren't synchronized if they're older than a cutoff date you specify. This date is required, and is distinct from the cutoff date you set for the synchronization of Transaction business objects.

You should periodically reset the Audit cutoff date, like the Transaction cutoff date, to maintain a time period short enough to produce an amount of data that doesn't impact performance negatively.

How to Set Performance Values

To set these values:

  1. Select the Advanced Controls Configuration tab in the Setup and Administration work area.

  2. In the Transaction and Audit Performance Configuration panel:

    • Select Edit.

    • Enter the cutoff date for the synchronization of Transaction business objects.

    • Enter the cutoff date for the synchronization of audit events.

    • Select Save.

  3. In the Access Performance Configuration panel:

    • Select Edit.

    • The Result Record Limit per Model field displays, by default, the value 5,000. Accept that value or enter a smaller number. The value can't exceed 5,000.

    • A Record limit for access model analysis option is the default selection. It prevents users from overriding the record limit. You may select the Record limit for access analysis with ability to override at the access model level option instead. This allows a person who runs a model to have it return all possible results.

    • Select Save.