View Job Details

By default, the Monitor Jobs page lists jobs submitted by all users in the last twenty-four hours. Each row provides capsule information about a job: an identifying number as well as the job name, type, and status.

Typically a job's status is updated automatically as the job progresses, from Queued to Started to either Completed or Failed. However, you may cancel a job. If you do, its status changes to Cancel Requested, and then to Canceled when the application completes the operation.

Some jobs may end in a Job completed with warnings status or a Job completed with errors status.

  • The completed-with-errors status applies when a job evaluates multiple controls, and some run successfully but others fail. For access controls, the Messages panel in the record of the job run reports the controls that have failed and invalid access points in those controls.

  • The completed-with-warnings status applies when elements of a synchronization job fail, but don't impact other elements of the job. For example, the job may fail for one business object, but synchronize data properly for all others.


Job polling may take up to one minute. It's therefore possible for a job to reach its end state up to a minute before the Monitor Jobs page displays its final status.

In the Monitor Jobs page, you can:

  • Select filtering criteria that return a set of jobs other than those you see by default. Select the Show Filters link to set filtering options: job ID, name, status, type, and submission date, as well as the user who's run the job.
  • Sort the list of jobs by start date (the default), job ID number, name, or submission date. Select any of these options in the Sort By field.
  • Select the Expand icon in the row for any job to view additional details about it. These include the user name of the person who submitted the job, its type, and dates on which the job was submitted, started, and ended. Click the Collapse icon to close the expanded view.
  • View the percentage completion of jobs at the Started status. This statistic appears beneath the status. It doesn't appear for jobs at any status other than Started.
  • Refresh the content of the page. You can click a refresh icon, or select an Autorefresh checkbox to cause the page to refresh automatically every 10 seconds.

You can also view information about a job's run. Hover over the job's status. If an underscore appears, additional information is available. In that case, click the status to open a Summary page presenting the additional data.

  • A job at the Failed or Canceled status opens a display of messages explaining the failure or cancellation.

  • The Transaction Data Source Synchronization job displays new, updated, and total values for each business object affected by the job. Or, if there were no new or updated records, it displays a message saying so. When updates do occur, the job also returns counts of underlying associations among business objects. You can drill into details of a data-synchronization job while it's running. That lets you see whether any data has been synchronized for each business object, and the status and record counts for each at any given moment.

    This job also provides a report in XLSX format. In the report, a Record Counts tab gives the counts of synchronized records for each business object. A Messages tab documents warnings and errors; it also identifies business objects and attributes that are used in audit models or controls, but are not enabled for auditing. To view the report, click the download icon in the record of the job run.

  • A global-user synchronization job, the Report Synchronization job, or an import job displays the numbers of new and updated records processed by the job. The global-user synchronization job also displays a count of total processed records.

  • A job to import user-defined business objects displays new, updated, and total values for each imported object included in the job.

  • Some jobs display a count of records processed by the job. These include model-analysis jobs; mass-edit jobs; and jobs to import or export models, controls, or global conditions.

  • A control-analysis job presents the number of newly generated incidents and the number of updated incidents.

    A job to analyze multiple controls is actually a set of distinct analyses, one of each control. When you click the status of a multiple-control analysis job, its Summary page serves as a child Monitor Jobs page, listing each control distinctly. For each control, it reports status and, if that status is Started, percentage completion. For each control that's reached Completed or Failed status, click the status to open a child Summary page that presents record counts or messages.

    If an incident control (or a model) calls user-defined objects, its Summary page displays elements hierarchically. The incident control is at the top of the hierarchy. Beneath it are data set controls that provide data to user-defined objects called by the incident control. Once again, each displays status, and you can click the status of each to view its results.

  • A purge job shows the count of purged records.

  • An access-certification scoping job provides the number of job roles selected by scoping filters. The Access Certification Synchronization job shows the numbers of administrators, owners, and auditors added to or removed from certifications. The Synchronization job also shows the number of active continuous certifications, and the number of new assignments of roles to users since the previous run.

  • The Security Synchronization job displays counts of users who are authorized as owners, editors, or viewers of object records, but whose eligibility to work with those records has changed. It displays distinct counts for the types of object users can be authorized to work with. For each object, a New count is the number of users who have become ineligible for their authorizations. A Fixed count is the number of users whose eligibility has been restored. For a given run of the job, counts include only users whose eligibility has been lost or restored since the previous run of the job.