Copy or Edit Risk Management Roles in the Security Console

You can edit roles you've created from scratch. Or, you can copy any role, then edit the copy to create a new role.


You can't edit predefined roles. That's because your edits would be overwritten during each upgrade, when Oracle updates predefined roles to the specifications for the newer release. You can identify a predefined role by the ORA_ prefix in its role code. Or, a Predefined role box is checked in the Basic Information page for a role if it's shipped by Oracle.

Initiate a copy or an edit from the Roles tab of the Security Console. Do either of the following:

  • Create a visualization graph and select any role in it. Right-click and select Copy Role or Edit Role.

  • Generate a list of roles in the Search Results column of the Roles page. Select one of them, and click its menu icon. In the menu, select Copy Role or Edit Role.

If you're copying a role, you must also select one of two options:

  • Copy top role: You copy only the role you've selected. The source role has links to roles in its hierarchy, and the copy inherits links to the original versions of those roles. If you select this option, subsequent changes to the inherited roles affect not only the source top role, but also your copy.

  • Copy top role and inherited roles: You copy not only the role you've selected, but also all of the roles in its hierarchy. Your copy of the top role is connected to the new copies of subordinate roles. If you select this option, you insulate the copied role from changes to the original versions of the inherited roles.

Next, an editing train opens. Essentially, you follow the same process in editing a role as you would to create one. However, note the following:

  • As is true for role creation, the Data Security Policies page in the Edit Role train has no application to Oracle Fusion Cloud Risk Management.

  • By default, the name and code of a copied role match those of its source role, except that a prefix, suffix, or both are appended. In the Roles Administration page, you can configure the default prefix and suffix for each value.

  • A copied job role can't inherit users from its source job role. You must select users for the copied role. (They may include users who belong to the source role.)

  • The Role Hierarchy page displays all roles subordinate to a role you copied. Even so, you can add roles only to (or remove them from) the top role you copied.

To monitor the status of a role-copy job, select the Administration tab, and then the Role Status tab of the Administration page.