Configure the Offline Settings

You can configure Oracle CX Sales Mobile's offline settings, such as whether the offline data synchronization is automatic or manual. You can also select which sales objects' records are available offline.

To configure the general offline settings, navigate to the Mobile Application Setup page in Application Composer, and click Settings. Here are the options you can set:

  • Enable Offline Mode: Enables or disables the offline mode.
  • Enable Offline Create and Edit: Enables or disables the creating and editing of data offline.
  • Auto Sync: Lets you specify whether the application automatically syncs offline updates from CX Sales Mobile to the Sales web app when a network connection is detected.
  • Disable Deferred Create and Edit: Lets you specify whether the application creates and edits transactions asynchronously. If this setting is disabled, then transactions are synchronized asynchronously from the application to Oracle Cloud.
  • Manual Sync: Lets you specify whether the manual sync makes updates from CX Sales Mobile to the Sales web app and back to CX Sales Mobile (bidirectional sync), or only from CX Sales Mobile to the web app (one-way sync).
  • Maximum Number of Retries: Lets you specify the maximum number of times CX Sales Mobile tries to apply offline updates to the Sales web app.
  • Online Data Fetch Policy: Defines which data (local, remote, or both) to display when there's a network connection. Here are the options:
    • Local: Only display data stored on the phone.
    • Remote: Only display data from the server.
    • Both: Display the local data primarily, and then query the server in the background for any remote data that has changed. The changed data is then displayed rather than the local data.
  • Auto Clear Cache: Defines the maximum duration that data is stored on a user's phone, after which the data is removed from the phone.

You can also configure the data that's available offline. By default, all of the data that users can view in the application when they're online is downloaded for offline use.

In addition to this data, administrators can also enable the Auto Fetch feature for standard and custom sales objects. This feature downloads a subset of records (including the related child records) for each object that has the feature enabled. The application uses the default saved search for the Auto Fetch-enabled object as the criteria for the data subset.

Note: Auto Fetch only downloads child records that are standard objects. Child records that are custom objects won't be downloaded.

Here's how you enable the Auto Fetch feature for an object:

  1. Sign in to the Sales application as user with a Sales Administrator role.
  2. Create a publishable sandbox that includes Application Composer.
  3. Open Application Composer by selecting Application Composer in the Configuration category in the Navigator menu.
  4. In the Application Composer Common setup menu, or on the Overview page, click Mobile Application Setup.
  5. Click Home within the Application Features menu.
  6. In the mobile interface designer, click the object that you want to enable Auto Fetch for.
  7. In the Feature Details section, enable the Enable Auto Fetch option.
  8. Repeat for additional objects.