Ensure Users with Custom Roles See Visualizations

To see visualizations, salespeople with custom job roles must have the ZCA_VIEW_DATA_VISUALIZATION_CONFIGURATION_PRIV. Here's how you can grant that privilege.

  1. Navigate to Security Console > Roles and search for ZCA_VIEW_DATA_VISUALIZATION_CONFIGURATION_PRIV (make sure that enabled all role types and privileges in the search filters).
  2. From the Expand Toward list, select Users.

  3. From the Show list, select Users to see which users have the privilege and from what role.

  4. To add the privilege, edit the custom role:
    1. Go to Function Security Policies > Privileges > Add Function Security Policy and search for privilege ZCA_VIEW_DATA_VISUALIZATION_CONFIGURATION_PRIV.
    2. Add the privilege to the role.
    3. Save.