How do I set up the "What's Around Me?" maps feature?

Salespeople can access the "What's Around Me?" map feature directly from the CX Sales Mobile home page. The application maps the salesperson's location using phone location, displaying nearby leads, accounts, contacts, and opportunities.

How It Works

To display the map, the phone uses the phone's default map. Records display as pins on the map, with icons that distinguish the record type. Tapping a pin displays a card showing record details and the actions that salespeople can do next, such as opening a contact record.

The card's Get Directions button uses the phone's native map application to guide salespeople to their destinations. Actions such as Contact, Edit, and Convert Lead are available directly from the cards, meaning that salespeople remain in context when acting on the information that's presented on the map.

Important: Records with addresses in China, Japan, and South Korea aren't geocoded or shown on maps.

Run Scheduled Processes to Enable

The map feature is enabled in the app by default. But, you must run or schedule processes. Here's how you run the scheduled processes:

Prerequisite: Enable geocoding for a country using the steps in Set Up Geocoding.

  1. Sign into Sales as a user with a Sales Administrator role.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  3. In the Overview page, click Actions > Schedule New Process.
  4. Click the Name list button and search for the Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information process, and then click OK. This process populates the latitude and longitude information for every sales object except Leads, which is handled by a different process, as described later in this procedure.
  5. Enter the parameters, such as the start date and end date, and schedule the job to run automatically at specified intervals.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Carry out the relevant steps again. This time search for Populate Lead Latitude and Longitude Information. This process populates the latitude and longitude information for leads.

Optionally Enable Saved Search Filters

You can use Workspace saved searches to filter the sales objects that are near a salesperson's location. If want like to enable this filter, follow the steps in the Enable Salespeople to View Saved Search Results on a Map topic.