Price Book Headers: Required Attributes and Path Parameters

This section lists the required attributes and path parameters for the request payloads of the Price Book Headers resource and its child resources.

The following table shows the relation between the parent resource and its child resources.

Parent Level

Price Book Headers

Child Resource

Price Book Items

The following table lists the attributes required for the POST method for Price Book Headers resource.

Resource Attribute Attribute Description

Price Book Headers


The currency of the price book amount is based on.


The name of the price book.


The description of the price book.


The status of the price book.

The following table lists the attributes required for the POST method for Price Book Headers child resources.

Resource Attribute Attribute Description

Price Book Headers > Price Book Items


The unique identifier of the price book.


The unique identifier of the item selected in the price book.


The unit of measurement of the item.

The following table lists the path parameters required for the PATCH method for Price Book Headers resource.

Resource Path Path Parameter

Price Book Headers



The following table lists the path parameters required for the PATCH method for Price Book Headers child resources.

Resource Attribute Attribute Description

Price Book Headers > Price Book Items


