Consumer Goods

Oracle CX for Consumer Goods is a retail execution and trade promotions solution. Using retail execution, sales persons can review, plan, and schedule appointments to carry out retail visits. During a retail visit, sales persons can perform inventory audits, place orders, and gather feedback from retail store managers. Sales persons can leverage reporting and analytics capabilities to stay up to date on key performance indicators via dashboards and infolets.

Using trade promotions, marketing and account personnel can create and manage corporate or account promotions to generate incremental revenue and brand awareness. The personnel can use surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the promotions.

CX Sales and Fusion Service includes the following RESTful web services for the Oracle CX for Consumer Goods solution.

Resource Title Description
Account Promotions

The AccountPromotion resource is used to view, create, and update Account Promotions. It is an intersection object, of Accounts and Promotions, used to store information specific to each Account associated with a Promotion.




The activity captures the task and appointment information.



Activity Tasks

The activity task resource is used to view, create, replace, delete, and update activity tasks.



Activity Types

The activity type resource is used to view, create, update, or delete an activity type.




The assortment resource is used to view, create, and update assortments. An assortment is an approved product catalog with additional Consumer Goods Retail Execution attributes at the product level.



Assortment Lines

The assortment line resource is used to view, create, and update assortment lines. An assortment line is an approved product with additional Consumer Goods Retail Execution attributes.



Attainment Targets

The target attainments resource is defined for either a Benefit or a Condition (within a Contract).



Audit Histories

The audit history resource lets you manage the results of the past audits. An audit history record is created every time a sales representative performs an inventory audit during a store visit.


/crmRestApi/resources/ __ORACO__Benefit_c


The benefit resource is used to view, create, update, or delete benefits. A benefit is a complimentary factor that is provided when a contract satisfies its condition.



Benefit Balance Transactions

The benefit balance transactions resource is used to view, create, update, replace, or delete book keeping record. A benefit balance transaction is a statement about the accrual or settlement transactions for a benefit record.


/crmRestApi/resources/ __ORACO__BenefitBalanceTxn_c

Benefit Guards

The benefit guards resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete details of a benefit for use in negotiation.



Benefit Transactions

The benefits transactions resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the benefit transactions.



Combo Groups

The combo group resource is used to view, create and update combo groups. A combo group is a product group defined for a dynamic combo promotion.




The conditions resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete conditions.



Condition Compliance Histories

The condition compliance histories resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the history of records of compliances for a specific contract condition.



Condition Products

The condition product is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete a condition product. It holds the relationship between Condition object and the Product.




The contracts resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete contract details.



Contract Job Schedules

The contract job schedules resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete schedule contract compliances and settlement jobs.



Contract Templates

The contract templates resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the templates used for creating contracts.




The coupon resource is used to view, create, replace, delete, and update coupons.



Credit Lines

The credit lines resource is used to view, create, replace, delete, and update credit lines.



Credit Notes

The credit notes resource is used to view, create, replace, delete, and update credit notes.



Discount Ranges

The discount range collection resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a collection of discount ranges.



Distribution Centers

The distribution centre resource is used to view, create, and update distribution centers. A distribution centre is a warehouse or a specialized building stocked with products that are to be delivered to retailers or directly to consumers.




The document resource is used to view, create, and update documents.




The expense resource is used to view, create, update, and delete expenses.



Filter Criteria

The filter criteria resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the criteria for filters.



Filter Criteria Groups

The filter criteria groups resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the filter criteria.



Forecast Attainments

The forecast attainment resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete forecast attainments.




The inventory resource lets you manage the list of products available at the retailer and enables you to maintain sufficient levels of inventory in the stores.



Inventory Audit Lines

The Inventory Audit Line resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete Inventory Audit Lines.



Inventory Audits

The Inventory Audit resource is used to view, create, replace, update, and delete Inventory Audits.



Inventory Reload Lines

The Inventory Reload Line resource is used to view, create, replace, update, and delete Inventory Reload Lines.



Inventory Reload Reports

The Inventory Reload resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete Inventory Reloads.



KPI Relationships

The KPI relationships resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete KPI relationships. A KPI relationship is an intersection between a KPI library and an account, a business plan, or an objective.



Legal Entities

The legal entity resource is used to view, create, update, or delete a legal entity. The legal entity object is a history record for legal entity results.



Object Attributes

The object attributes resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the attributes used in a given sync rule or filter criteria



Order Line Requests

The order line resource is used to create, view, update, or delete order line requests.



Order Line Rollups

The Order Line Rollup resource is used to view, create, update, and delete Order Line Rollups.



Order Line Statuses

The Order Line Rollup resource is used to view, create, update, and delete Order Line Rollups.



Order Requests

The order resource is used to create, view, update, or delete order requests.



Order Rollups

The order rollup resource is used to view, create, update, or delete an Order Rollups.




The order resource lets you manage orders for a retail store.



Order Statuses

The Order Status resource is used to view, create, update, or delete an order status. The order status object is a record of order status results.




The payment resource is used to create, view, update, or delete payments.



Payment Lines

The payment line resource is used to create, view, update, or delete payment lines.



Price Book Headers

The Price Book Header resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the name, description, and status of a price book. It also includes the unique identifier, unique code, and the currency on which the price book amount is based.



Price Book Clusters

The price book clusters resource is used to view, update, and delete the intersection object between price books and clusters.



Price Book Lines

The Price Book Line resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the item identifier, unique identifier, and unique identifier of the item selected in the price book. It also includes the description, price and unit of measurement of the item.

Parent Resource: Price Book Headers



Program Territories

The territory resource lets you manage the relationship between a promotion program and its territories.



Promo Trade Funds

The PromoTradeFund resource is used to view, create, and update fund allocations. A fund allocation indicates the amount allocated from a trade fund for a promotion.




The promotion resource lets you create and manage promotions. This includes information on promotion duration, promoted products, promotion tactics, and target account.



Promotion Programs

The promotion program resource lets you manage promotion templates that are used for creating new promotions. This resource contains information on promotion duration, promoted products, promotions tactics and, target territories.



Promotion Product

The promotion product resource lets you manage all products in a promotion program. You can use the resource to specify the product and tactics information for each promoted product. Parent resource: Promotion Program

Parent Resource: Promotion Programs


/crmRestApi/resources/{PromotionId}/child/ __ORACO__PromotionProductCollection_c


The route resource is used to view, create, and update routes. A route is a retail execution unit that includes ordered store visits.



Route Allocations

The route assignment resource is used to view, create, and update route assignments. A route assignment is the default sales representative assigned to a route. A route can have more than one default sales representatives assigned, but only one of them is the primary. A sales representative can only be assigned to one route.



Route Assignment Histories

The route assignment history resource is used to view the completed route assignments. A route assignment history record is a completed route assignment record for a sales representative and a route.



Route Check-In Histories

The Route Check-in History resource is used to view, create, update, and delete route check-in histories.



Route Inventories

The route inventory resource is used to view, create, update, or delete the route inventories.



Route Inventory Transactions

The route inventory transaction resource is used to view, create, update, or delete the route inventory transactions.



Route Pre-Settlement Reports

The route inventory transaction resource is used to view, create, update, or delete the route inventory transactions.




The shipment resource is used to create, view, update, or delete a shipment.



Shipment Lines

The shipment line resource is used to create, view, update, or delete shipment line requests.



Shopping Carts

The shopping carts resource is used to create, view, update, or delete shopping carts.



Survey Answer

The Survey answer resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the name and description of a survey answer.



Survey Template

The survey template resource is used to view, create, replace, update, and delete survey templates.



Sync Fields

The sync fields resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete synchronization fields.



Sync Rules

The sync rules resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the rule set containing field level filter criteria to restrict data downloaded to mobile devices.




The terms resource is used to view, create, update, replace, and delete the terms.



Trade Funds

The Trade Fund resource is used to view, create, and update trade funds. A trade fund is an authorized pool of money allocated to fund qualified trade activities.

