Status Codes

When you call any REST resource, the response header returns one of the standard HTTP status codes listed in the following table. These status codes refer to a three-digit number in the response header that indicates the general classification of the response. For example, the codes indicate whether the request was successful (200s), or resulted in a client (400s) or server (500s) error. The 400 and 500 classes of status codes help in troubleshooting bad requests.

HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success! A successful GET or POST method returns a 200 status code.
201 Created

Your request is successful and a new resource has been created. Response includes a Location header containing the canonical URI for the newly created resource.

You receive a 201 status code from:
  • A synchronous resource creation
  • An asynchronous resource creation that completed before the response was returned
202 Accepted The server has accepted your request for processing, but hasn't yet completed processing it. Your request might be accepted or rejected during processing.

This code is useful in asynchronous resource creation or updates, such as a batch-oriented process that runs only once per day. It indicates that the server has accepted your request, so you don't need to wait or be connected until the process completes.

The server delivers a response that contains a Location header of a job resource. Your client should poll this header to determine the job's completion state and status.

400 Bad Request Your request couldn't be processed because it contains missing or invalid information, such as a validation error on an input field, a missing required value, and so forth.

In v1 resources, this status code is also used to notify the following:

  • Invalid payload
  • Invalid URL parameters. This includes incorrect syntax, fields that aren't queryable, invalid values, and so on.
  • Application-level validation errors
401 Unauthorized Your request isn't authorized. The authentication credentials included with this request are missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden You don't have authorization to perform this request. You may not have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource.


Access to cloud resources is governed by the US Export Laws and is internally monitored by Oracle Global Trade Compliance (GTC). Make sure that you are compliant with the US Export Laws and that you are accessing the REST resource from a location that Oracle permits to access the associated cloud service. Otherwise, you might continue to get the 403 HTTP status code in the response.
404 Not Found Your request includes a resource URI that doesn't exist.

In v1 resources, data security can prevent access to a resource.

405 Method Not Allowed HTTP action specified in the request (DELETE, GET, POST, PUT) isn't supported for this request URI.
406 Not Acceptable Although the server understands and processes your request, your client can't understand the server response because it's unsupported. A client's request header indicates what data or media types are acceptable. For example, the client's Accept header requests that XML be returned, but the server can return only JSON.
408 Request Timeout The server timed out waiting for a request.
415 Unsupported Media Type Indicates that the server refuses to accept the client request because the payload format is unsupported. In your client, the ContentType header isn't correct. For example, the client attempts to send the request in XML, but the server can accept only JSON.
422 Unprocessable Entity <Additional information about the error> The syntax of the request parameters is incorrect.
424 Failed Dependency <Additional information on failed dependency> The request could not be processed because the requested action depended on another action that failed.
428 Precondition Required The server requires the request to be conditional.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered something unexpected that prevented it from completing the request.

In v1 resources, this status code is also used to notify the following:

  • Framework exception
  • Application-level validation errors
  • Database errors
501 Not Implemented

Indicates that the server doesn't support the method used in the request, and therefore it can't process the request.

503 Service Unavailable Indicates that the server is unable to complete the request due to a server overload. This condition is usually temporary.
504 Gateway Timeout

The server acts as the gateway and doesn't receive a timely response from the upstream server to complete the request.

For more information see the Internet Engineering Task Force (IEFT) website.