Additional Names REST Endpoints

Accounts/Additional Names
The additional name resource is used to view, create, update, and delete additional names associated with an account. The resource allows you to capture other names associated with an account, such as a maiden name, or a brand name.
Create an additional name
Method: post
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}/child/AdditionalName
Delete an additional name
Method: delete
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}/child/AdditionalName/{NameId}
Get all additional name
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}/child/AdditionalName
Get an additional name
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}/child/AdditionalName/{NameId}
Update an additional name
Method: patch
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}/child/AdditionalName/{NameId}