Large Object (LOB) Attributes - Meeting Minutes REST Endpoints

Activities/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - Meeting Minutes
The minutes of meeting of the activity. The value should be Base64 encoded. You can use any base64 encoder to encode the text to Base64. If you want to provide text instead of base64 code, then you can use the endpoint enclosures endpoint. For example to update the meeting minutes for activity ID 12345, use the endpoint /crmRestApi/resources/
Delete a Meeting Minutes
Method: delete
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ActivityNumber}/enclosure/ActivityMtgMinutes
Get a Meeting Minutes
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ActivityNumber}/enclosure/ActivityMtgMinutes
Replace a Meeting Minutes
Method: put
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ActivityNumber}/enclosure/ActivityMtgMinutes