Partner Contacts REST Endpoints

Partners/Partner Contacts
The partner contacts resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the contacts of a partner company. For example, a partner sales rep, a partner sales manager, a partner administrator, and so on. Note: The following attributes are not supported in the Partner Contacts resource, though they are listed for the Partner object in the App Composer: ContactRole, ContactStatus, RegistrationStatus, SalesProfileStatus, RecordSet, DataCloudStatus, and TimezoneCode.
Create a partner contact
Method: post
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{CompanyNumber}/child/contacts
Delete a partner contact
Method: delete
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{CompanyNumber}/child/contacts/{PartyNumber}
Get a partner contact
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{CompanyNumber}/child/contacts/{PartyNumber}
Get all partner contacts
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{CompanyNumber}/child/contacts
Update a partner contact
Method: patch
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{CompanyNumber}/child/contacts/{PartyNumber}