Passive Beacon Service Statuses REST Endpoints

Passive Beacon Service Statuses
The passive beacon service statuses resource is internally used to view the available information of the chat service. In order to call this API, a Provider and a Service have to be registered. This API is related to the Chat "ProviderName": "RTENG" and its only service "ServiceName": "RTENG_SERVICE". This method returns the Chat Server availability information. This method can be called using a GET HTTP request containing an Authorization header. The passiveBeaconProviderStatus method is protected by the entitlement SVC_DETERMINE_SERVICE_STATUS_PRIV assigned to ORA_SVC_SERVICE_STATUS_COMPUTATION role.
Get a passive beacon provider status - Not Supported
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ProviderId}
Get all passive beacon provider statuses
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/