Performance Measures REST Endpoints

Performance Measures
The performance measures resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a performance measure. It can also be used to display all the details of a performance measure. A performance measure is a determination of the accomplishment of a participant. It could include a goal/target, an eligibility criteria, a measure formula, and a score card. A new performance measure can be created in five different ways, with an incentive formula (output expression), with a credit category (with or without credit factors and transaction factors), with a scorecard (without an rate dimensional input expression - this input expression should be assigned only after the scorecard has been assigned), with any combination of the above, or individually where only the performance measure is created (association with other components needs to be done separately.) When a performance measure is created, Goals, Interval Goals, and Period Goals are created with a default value of 0. The user can then update the total goal or the period goals.
Create a performance measure
Method: post
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Delete a performance measure
Method: delete
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{PerformanceMeasureId}
Get a performance measure
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{PerformanceMeasureId}
Get all performance measures
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Update a performance measure
Method: patch
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{PerformanceMeasureId}