Service Profiles REST Endpoints

Service Profiles
The service profiles resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a service profile. It tracks how your organization provides service to your customers by grouping contacts and assets into profiles with common preferences. For example, a site profile can track the contacts and assets located at the site. It also includes notes about preferences and restrictions for providing service to the site. Customers can have many service profiles but there can be only one site profile for a given address.
Create a service profile
Method: post
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/
Delete a service profile
Method: delete
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ServiceProfileNumber}
Get a service profile
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ServiceProfileNumber}
Get all service profiles
Method: get
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/
Update a service profile
Method: patch
Path: /crmRestApi/resources/{ServiceProfileNumber}