Get all activities




Query Parameters
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format: ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables:

    • ActivitesByContactId: Finds activities where a specified contact is defined.
      Finder Variables:
      • ContactIDAttr; integer; The contact ID related to the activities.
    • ActivityNumberRowFinder: Finds the unique identifier for an activity.
      Finder Variables:
      • ActivityNumber; string; The unique number of the activity. The number can also be generated from an external source.
    • AppointmentsWithNoMyCallReport: Finds appointments not having an associated call report.
      Finder Variables:
      • DateRange; integer; The date range within which you want search for appointments.
      • EndDtRFAttr; string; The appointment end date.
      • StartDtRFAttr; string; The appointment start date.
    • CompletedActivities: Finds activities in a completed status.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_CurrentDate; string; Finds the date used to locate completed activities.
      • Bind_RecurSeriesType_BV; string; The recurring type code of an appointment.
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_BV; string; The status of the tasks.
    • GetActivitiesByActivityNumber: Finds activities with the specified activity number.
      Finder Variables:
      • ActivityNumber; string; Finds the activity number use to locate the activity.
    • GetListOfCallReports: Finds call reports.
      Finder Variables:
      • AccountIdAttr; integer; Finds the account ID related to the call reports.
      • EndDtRFAttr; string; Finds the end date of the call report.
      • LeadIdAttr; string; Finds the lead ID related to the call reports.
      • OpportunityIdAttr; string; Finds the opportunity ID related to the call reports.
      • StartDtRFAttr; string; Finds the start date of the call report.
    • GetListOfCallReportsForPastAppt: Finds call reports related to a past appointment.
      Finder Variables:
      • ParentActivityIdAttr; string; The parent activity ID related to the call reports.
    • MyActivitiesAsResource: Finds activities where a specified user is a resource.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_RecurSeriesType_BV; string; The recurring type code of an appointment.
      • Bind_UserResourceId; integer; Finds the resource ID of the user.
    • MyAppointmentsInDateRange: Finds appointments within a data range.
      Finder Variables:
      • EndDtRFAttr; string; Finds the appointment end date.
      • StartDtRFAttr; string; Finds the appointment start date.
    • MyCallReportsInDateRange: Finds call reports within a date range.
      Finder Variables:
      • AccountIdAttr; integer; The account ID related to the call reports.
      • EndDtRFAttr; string; The end date of the call reports.
      • LeadIdAttr; string; The lead ID related to the call reports.
      • OpportunityIdAttr; string; The opportunity ID related to the call reports.
      • StartDtRFAttr; string; The start date of the call report.
    • MyOpenActivities: Finds all open activities owned by a specified user.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_Subject; string; Open activities owned by a specified user.
    • MyOpenTasks: Finds tasks in an open status.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_LoggedInUserId_BV; integer; The ID of the user who is logged into the application.
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_BV; string; The status of the task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_Cancel_BV; string; The tasks with a cancelled status.
    • MyTasks: Finds tasks owned by a specified user.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_LoggedInUserId_BV; integer; Finds the ID of the user who is logged into the application.
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
    • OpenActivities: Finds all open activities.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_CurrentDate; string; Finds the date used to locate current activities.
      • Bind_RecurSeriesType_BV; string; The recurring type code of an appointment
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_BV; string; The status of the tasks.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_Cancel_BV; string; The tasks with a cancelled status.
    • OpenTasksByHighPriority: Finds tasks with a priority value of high.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_LoggedInUserId_BV; integer; The ID of the user who is logged into the application.
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
      • Bind_TaskPriority_BV; string; The priority of the task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_BV; string; The status of the task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_Cancel_BV; string; The tasks with a cancelled status.
    • OverdueTasks: Finds tasks with a due date in the past.
      Finder Variables:
      • Bind_CurrentDate; string; The date used to locate current activities.
      • Bind_CurrentUPTZDate; string; The date used to locate the Tasks whose due date is before the current date.
      • Bind_LoggedInUserId_BV; integer; The ID of the user who is logged into the application.
      • Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV; string; The activities with a function code of task.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_BV; string; The status of the tasks.
      • Bind_TaskStatus_Cancel_BV; string; The tasks with a cancelled status.
    • PrimaryKey: Finds the activity with the specified primary key identifier.
      Finder Variables:
      • ActivityId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity.
  • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
  • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

  • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
  • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
  • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
  • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

    Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

    You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
    • AccountId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity account. Examples of account are: customer, organization, person, partner.
    • AccountIdAttr; integer; The attribute for the account Id (Not for public usage).
    • AccountNumber; string; The account number of the account associated with the activity.
    • ActivityCreatedBy; string; The user who created the activity.
    • ActivityCreationDate; string; The date when the record was created.
    • ActivityDescription; string; A text area for capturing information about the activity. The value should be Base64 encoded. You can use any base64 encoder to encode the text to Base64. If you want to provide text instead of base64 code, then you can use the endpoint enclosures endpoint. For example to update the description for activity ID 12345, use the endpoint /crmRestApi/resources/
    • ActivityEndDate; string; The date and time of when an appointment ends. The time when a task is completed.
    • ActivityFilter; string; An attribute to add additional activity filter (Not for public usage).
    • ActivityFunctionCode; string; The code indicating the function of an activity, such as Appointment, Task, or Call Report.
    • ActivityId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity.
    • ActivityMtgMinutes; string; The minutes of meeting of the activity. The value should be Base64 encoded. You can use any base64 encoder to encode the text to Base64. If you want to provide text instead of base64 code, then you can use the endpoint enclosures endpoint. For example to update the meeting minutes for activity ID 12345, use the endpoint /crmRestApi/resources/
    • ActivityNumber; string; The unique number of the activity. The number can also be generated from an external source.
    • ActivityPartialDescription; string; A column that stores the first 4000 characters of activity description.
    • ActivityStartDate; string; The starting date and time of an appointment or a task. The default value for an appointment is null. The default value for a task is the date and time when the task is created.
    • ActivitySubtypeCode; string; Displays a list of subtype values that are dependent on the value of the activity.
    • ActivityTypeCode; string; The code indicating the type or category of the activity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZMM_ACTIVITY_TYPE.
    • ActivityUpdateDate; string; The date when the record was last updated.
    • AllDayFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the appointment is for the entire day. If the value is True, the appointment is for the entire day. The default value is False.
    • AppointmentStatus; string; The status of the appointment.
    • ArticleVersionId; string; The unique identifier of the article version.
    • AssessmentId; integer; The unique identifier of the assessment that is associated to the activity or the activity template.
    • AssetId; integer; The unique identifier of an asset.
    • AssetName; string; The name of the asset that is associated with an activity.
    • AssetNumber; string; The alternate key identifier of the associated asset.
    • AssetSerialNumber; string; The serial number of the associated asset.
    • AutoLogSource; string; The name of the source for the activity.
    • BpId; integer; The unique identifier of the business plan.
    • BuOrgId; integer; The unique identifier for the Business Unit. This attribute is obsolete.
    • BusinessPlanName; string; The name of the business plan associated with the activity.
    • BusinessPlanNumber; string; The business plan number of the business plan associated with the activity.
    • CalendarRecurType; string; The activity recurrence type.
    • CalendarTimeType; string; Indicates all day appointment (Not for public usage).
    • CallReportCount; integer; A count of the number of call reports.
    • CallReportUpcomingYN; string; Indicates if there are any Call reports associated with the current Appointments Lead, Opportunity, or Account.
    • CallReportYN; string; Indicates whether the activity is associated with a call report. The default value is false.
    • CampaignId; integer; The unique identifier of the related campaign.
    • CampaignName; string; The name of the campaign associated with the activity.
    • CampaignNumber; string; The campaign number of the campaign associated with the activity.
    • CaseId; integer; The unique identifier of the case.
    • CaseNumber; string; The alternate identifier of the case.
    • CaseTitle; string; The title of the case.
    • CheckedInBy; string; The user who checks in to a location.
    • CheckedOutBy; string; The user who checks out of a location.
    • CheckinDate; string; The date and time when a user checks in to a location.
    • CheckinLatitude; number; The latitude when a user checks in to a location.
    • CheckinLongitude; number; The longitude when a user checks in to a location.
    • CheckoutDate; string; The date and time when a user checks out of a location.
    • CheckoutLatitude; number; The latitude when a user checks out of a location.
    • CheckoutLongitude; number; The longitude when a user checks out of a location.
    • ClaimId; integer; The unique identifier of the claim.
    • ClaimName; string; The name of the claim associated with the activity.
    • ClaimNumber; string; The number of the claim associated with the activity.
    • ConflictId; integer; The unique identifier of the conflict. (Not for public usage).
    • ContactIDAttr; integer; The contact identifier (Not for public usage).
    • ContactNumber; string; The contact number of primary contact associated with the activity.
    • CreatedBy; string; The user who created the activity.
    • CreationDate; string; The date when the activity was created.
    • CurrentDateForCallReport; string; The current date for the call report.
    • CurrentDateForCallReportAttr; string; The attribute for the current date for the call report (Not for public usage).
    • CurrentSystemDtTransient; string; The current system date.
    • CustomerAccountId; integer; The unique identifier of the customer account related to the activity.
    • DealId; integer; The unique identifier of the related deal.
    • DealNumber; string; The unique number of the deal associated to the activity. The number can also be generated from an external source.
    • DelegatorId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity resource that delegated activity ownership to another resource.
    • DelegatorName; string; The name of the activity resource that delegated activity ownership to another resource.
    • DeleteFlag; boolean; Indicates if the activity has been deleted.
    • DirectionCode; string; The code indicating the direction of an activity. The options are inbound and outbound. The default value is null.
    • DismissAssignee; string; Indicates whether the assignees is dismissed. Valid values are Y and N.
    • DismissFlag; boolean; Indicates if the calls that were logged for a past appointment are dismissed.
    • DueDate; string; The date the task activity is due to be completed.
    • EmailSentDate; string; The date and time when the activity e-mail notifications are shared through Outlook.
    • EndDateForCallReport; string; The end date of the call report.
    • EndDateForCallReportAttr; string; The attribute for end date of the call report (Not for public usage).
    • EndDtRFAttr; string; The attribute for activity start date (Not for public usage).
    • ExternalContactEmail; string; Indicates the e-mail address of an external contact.
    • ExternalContactName; string; Indicates the name of an external contact.
    • ExternallyOwnedFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the activity is created by an external contact.
    • FundRequestId; integer; The unique identifier of the fund request.
    • FundRequestName; string; The name of the fund request associated with the activity.
    • FundRequestNumber; string; The fund request number of the fund request associated with the activity.
    • IbAssetId; integer; The unique identifier of the installed base asset associated with the activity.
    • IbAssetNumber; string; The number of the installed base asset associated with the activity.
    • LastUpdateDate; string; The date and time when the activity was last updated.
    • LastUpdatedBy; string; The user who last updated the activity.
    • LeadId; integer; The unique identifier of the related lead.
    • LeadIdAttr; integer; The attribute for the lead Id (Not for public usage).
    • LeadName; string; The activity lead name.
    • LeadNumber; string; The lead number of lead associated with the activity.
    • Location; string; The location of the appointment.
    • LocationId; integer; The unique identifier of the account or contact location.
    • LoginUserRFAttr; integer; The attribute for activity login user (Not for public usage).
    • ObjectiveId; integer; The unique identifier of the objective.
    • OpportunityId; integer; The unique identifier of the related opportunity.
    • OpportunityIdAttr; integer; The attribute for the opportunity Id (Not for public usage).
    • OpportunityName; string; The name of the opportunity associated with the activity.
    • OpportunityNumber; string; The opportunity number of the opportunity associated with the activity.
    • OrchestrationId; integer; The unique identifier of the orchestration object.
    • OrchestrationStepId; integer; The unique identifier of the orchestration step.
    • OsnActivityId; integer; The unique activity identifier.
    • OtherPartyPhoneNumber; string; The inbound phone number that is used to make a call. Identifies the phone number dialed for outbound calls.
    • OutcomeCode; string; The code indicating the outcome of the activity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZMM_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME.
    • OutlookAutoSyncFlag; boolean; Indicates whether an appointment was automatically generated by the synchronization process from Microsoft 365.
    • OutlookFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the activity is created in Outlook. If the value is Y, then the activity is created in Outlook and synchronized.
    • OutlookGlobalId; string; The unique identifier of an appointment created from Microsoft 365.
    • OutlookIdentifier; string; The unique identifier for the activity in Outlook.
    • OwnerId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity owner. Identifies only resources.
    • OwnerName; string; The name of the owner of the activity.
    • ParentActivityId; integer; The related activity ID, only applicable if the record is a follow up activity.
    • ParentActivityIdAttr; string; The attribute for the parent activity Id (Not for public usage).
    • PartialMtgMinutes; string; A column that stores a truncated string of the meeting minutes.
    • PartnerEnrollmentId; integer; The unique identifier of the related program enrollment.
    • PartnerPartyId; integer; The party identifier of the partner organization.
    • PartnerPartyName; string; The party name of the partner organization.
    • PartnerPartyNumber; string; The partner party number of partner associated with the activity.
    • PartnerProgramId; integer; The unique identifier of the related partner program.
    • PartnerProgramNumber; string; The partner program number of partner program associated with the activity.
    • PercentageComplete; number; The amount of activity completed in percentage. This is a free form numeric value ranging from 0 to 100.
    • PrimaryContactEmailAddress; string; The e-mail address of the primary contact for the activity.
    • PrimaryContactId; integer; The unique identifier of the activity contact.
    • PrimaryContactName; string; The name of the primary contact of the activity.
    • PriorityCode; string; The code indicating the priority of the activity, such as High, Medium and Low. The default value is Medium.
    • PrivateFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the activity is private. The default value is false.
    • RecordSet; string; The set of records to display in activity search.
    • RecurEndDate; string; The date when a recurring activity ends.
    • RecurExceptionFlag; boolean; Indicates if the appointment instance is updated outside the recurring appointment series. The default value is false.
    • RecurRecType; string; Either "I" for instance or "S" for series or "N" for non-recurring. Do not populate it if Activity is of type Task (Not for public usage).
    • RecurSeriesId; integer; The unique identifier for the series that links instances of a series together.
    • RecurUpdatedAttributes; string; The updated field references for recurring appointment exception records.
    • ReferenceCustomerId; integer; The unique identifier of the referenced customer who is associated with the activity.
    • ResourceNumber; string; The resource number of owner associated with the activity.
    • ResponseCode; string; The code indicating the response of the owner on an appointment.
    • SalesObjectiveName; string; The name of the sales objective associated with the activity.
    • SalesObjectiveNumber; string; The sales objective number of the sales objective associated with the activity.
    • SelectedFlag; boolean; The records selected for Mass Update (Not for public usage).
    • ShowStatus; string; Indicates whether the activity is open, complete, or all activities.
    • SmartActionContext; string; The metadata associated with the smart action.
    • SmartActionId; integer; The unique identifier of the smart action.
    • SortDate; string; The date used to sort the activities. The sort date can be the appointment start date, the task due date, or the task complete date.
    • SrId; integer; The unique identifier of the related service request.
    • SrNumber; string; The alternate key identifier of the service request.
    • StartDateForCallReport; string; The start date of the call report.
    • StartDateForCallReportAttr; string; The attribute for start date of the call report (Not for public usage).
    • StartDtRFAttr; string; The attribute for Activity Start Date (Not for public usage).
    • StatusCode; string; The code indicating the status of the activity. The default value is Not Started. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZMM_ACTIVITY_STATUS_CD.
    • Subject; string; The unique subject, name, or title of the activity.
    • SubmittedByName; string; The user who submitted the Call Report.
    • SubmittedDate; string; The date and time when the Call Report was submitted.
    • TemplateFlag; string; Indicates whether this is a template activity.
    • TemplateId; integer; The unique identifier of the template.
    • UpdateFlag; boolean; Indicates whether the activity has been updated. The default value is true.
    • UpgSourceObjectId; string; The primary key value of the record in the source table that is upgraded to Rel9 Activity record.
    • UpgSourceObjectType; string; The source object type could be Appointment, Task or Interaction to indicate the source of the upgraded record.
    • WebConferenceId; string; The unique identifier of the web conference.
    • WebConferenceURL; string; The web conference join URL.
    • WebconfSyncStatusFlag; boolean; The appointment interaction status.
  • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : activities
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
The items in the collection.
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Activity Assignees
Type: array
Title: Activity Assignees
The activity assignees resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the internal resources assigned to an activity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Activity Contacts
Type: array
Title: Activity Contacts
The activity contacts resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the contacts associated with an activity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Activity Objectives
Type: array
Title: Activity Objectives
The activity objectives resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the objective of an activity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Activity Attachments
Type: array
Title: Activity Attachments
The activity attachments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete attachments of an activity. An attachment includes additional information about an activity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Notes
Type: array
Title: Notes
The note resource is used to view, create, update, and delete notes associated with an activity. A note captures comments, information, or instructions related to an activity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Smart Actions
Type: array
Title: Smart Actions
The smart actions resource is used to view the name, security, context object, REST operation, confirmation message, and other global properties of smart actions. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-ActivityAssignee-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-ActivityContact-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-ActivityObjectives-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Activity ID
    The unique identifier of the parent activity.
  • Maximum Length: 64
    The unique number of the activity. The number can also be generated from an external source.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The objective for the activity.
  • Title: Activity Number
    Maximum Length: 64
    The unique number of the activity. The number can also be generated from an external source.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The attribute category associated with the activity.
  • Title: Complete
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates if the activity objective is completed. If True, the activity is completed.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier for the conflict in the activity objectives.
  • Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code associated with the activity contact. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the activity objective.
  • Read Only: true
    The date and time when the activity objective was created.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the activity contact. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Read Only: true
    The date and time when the activity objective was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the activity objective.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login details of the user who last updated the activity objective.
  • Links
  • Title: Objective
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the objectives of an activity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ORA_ZMM_ACTIVITY_OBJECTIVE.
  • Title: Objective Text
    Maximum Length: 80
    The text area to describe the objective of the activity.
  • Title: Objective ID
    The unique identifier of the objective.
  • The unique identifier for the series that links instances of a series together.
Nested Schema : activities-Attachments-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-Note-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Contact Relationship ID
    The unique identifier of the relationship populated when the note is associated with a contact.
  • Title: Corporate Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code associated with the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the row.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the note was created.
  • Title: Creator Party ID
    The unique identifier of the person who created the note.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Delete Indicator
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the note is to be deleted. If the value is Y, then the note has to be deleted. The default value is N.
  • Title: Primary Email
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 320
    The email address of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Primary Address
    Read Only: true
    The address of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Primary Phone
    Read Only: true
    The phone number of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Last Update Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time of when the note was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the record.
  • Links
  • Title: Note ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of a note.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier of the note. A user key that's system generated or from an external system.
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 500
    The title of the note entered by the user.
  • Title: Note
    The column to store the note text.
  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the type of the note. This value is used for categorization of the note. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZMM_NOTE_TYPE_CD.
  • Title: Parent Note ID
    The unique identifier of the parent note.
  • Title: Party ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the party associated with the note.
  • Title: Author
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the author of the note.
  • Title: Related Object Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The source object code for the source object as defined in the objects metadata.
  • Title: Related Object
    Maximum Length: 64
    The unique identifier of the source object such as activities, opportunities, as defined in the objects metadata.
  • Title: Update Indicator
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the note can be updated. If the value is Y, then the note can be updated. The default value is N.
  • Title: Private
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: INTERNAL
    The code indicating the visibility level of the note, such as internal, external, or private.
Nested Schema : activities-smartActions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Action Intent
    JSON object that describes what an action does and what context data can be passed to the action.
  • Title: Confirmation Message
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The confirmation message displayed before the smart action runs. An affirmative response allows the smart action to run.
  • Title: Content Type
    Maximum Length: 50
    The media type of the smart action REST operation.
  • Title: Action Name
    Maximum Length: 256
    The display name of the smart action.
  • Title: Parent Entity
    Maximum Length: 150
    The primary object the smart action is associated with. For example if the smart action creates an appointment for a lead, lead is the primary object.
  • Title: REST Endpoint
    Maximum Length: 150
    The relative path of the smart action REST resource. The path can include path parameters.
  • Title: Included in Application
    Maximum Length: 512
    The client applications that the smart action is associated with.
  • Links
  • Title: Mass Action
    Maximum Length: 1
    Boolean type indicating if this action can be mass processed.
  • Title: HTTP Method
    Maximum Length: 15
    The HTTP method of the smart action REST operation.
  • Title: Object Function
    Maximum Length: 64
    The object function associated with the smart action.
  • Title: Page Type
    Maximum Length: 256
    The list of pages that this action can be used in.
  • Title: Smart Suggest
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the smart suggest is enabled for the action.
  • Title: System Action
    Maximum Length: 1
    System assigned value indicating whether the smart action is seeded or custom. 'True' indicates the smart action is seeded.
  • Title: Attributes to Update
    Maximum Length: 512
    The object attribute to be updated as a result of using a data entry form. Used by applications to determine which form to use. The value is object scoped and must be unique across all smart actions for an object.
  • Title: User Action ID
    The unique identifier of the smart action definition.
  • Title: Action Name
    Maximum Length: 256
    The unique identifier of the smart action name.
  • Smart Action User Interface Definitions
    Title: Smart Action User Interface Definitions
    The user interface definitions resource is used to view user interfaces associated with a smart action. Each user interface can be mapped to a client application. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
  • Title: Priority
    The number defining the relative position of the smart action in the list of smart actions displayed in a client application.
  • Smart Action REST Payload Definitions
    Title: Smart Action REST Payload Definitions
    The payload definitions resource is used to view the REST request payload name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
  • Smart Action REST Path Parameter Definitions
    Title: Smart Action REST Path Parameter Definitions
    The path parameters resource is used to view the REST request path parameter name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
Nested Schema : Smart Action User Interface Definitions
Type: array
Title: Smart Action User Interface Definitions
The user interface definitions resource is used to view user interfaces associated with a smart action. Each user interface can be mapped to a client application. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Smart Action REST Payload Definitions
Type: array
Title: Smart Action REST Payload Definitions
The payload definitions resource is used to view the REST request payload name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Smart Action REST Path Parameter Definitions
Type: array
Title: Smart Action REST Path Parameter Definitions
The path parameters resource is used to view the REST request path parameter name-value pair definitions of a smart action. Smart action item or collection links returned in response payloads are valid at the moment the REST request is processed. Any change to the parent object context can invalidate a previously valid smart action.
Show Source
Nested Schema : activities-smartActions-UserActionNavigation-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Links
  • Title: System Action
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the smart action is seeded or custom. 'True' indicates the smart action is seeded. The value is automatically derived from smartActions.SystemActionFlag.
  • Title: Application Usage
    Maximum Length: 50
    The client application associated with a smart action user interface endpoint definition identified by UserActionNavId.
  • Title: Navigation Metadata
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The metadata definition of the smart action user interface endpoint.
  • Title: Primary Key
    The unique identifier of a smart action user interface definition.
  • Title: Navigation Type
    Maximum Length: 100
    The text value used by applications to determine which user interface to launch.
Nested Schema : activities-smartActions-UserActionRequestPayload-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Payload Value Binding Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The classification of the value property of a name-value pair. A binding value of RUNTIME indicates the value to be assigned is the runtime value of an object attribute. A value of STATIC indicates the value to be assigned is a simple string. A null value indicates that the value type is JSON_ARRAY_STRING.
  • Links
  • Title: Mandatory
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether a REST payload body parameter value is mandatory. If True, runtime validation ensures that the value is defined.
  • The unique system assigned identifier of a smart action REST payload body parameter name-value pair definition.
  • Title: Request Payload Attribute Name
    Maximum Length: 256
    The value assigned to the name property of a name-value pair.
  • Title: Smart Suggest Path
    Maximum Length: 2048
    The path used for smart suggest.
  • Title: System Action
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the smart action is seeded or custom. 'True' indicates the smart action is seeded. The value is automatically derived from smartActions.SystemActionFlag.
  • Title: Request Payload Attribute Value
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The value assigned to the value property of a name-value pair.
  • Title: Payload Value Structure
    Maximum Length: 20
    A value of JSON_ARRAY_STRING indicates that the value property of a name-value pair represents an array of data rather than a single entity such as an object attribute name or simple text string. The array string is a definition of the name-value pair and the Binding and Mandatory properties. The array string follows specific pattern, for example [{"name":"leadId","Value":"LeadId","MandatoryFlag":true,"Binding":"RUNTIME"}]. A null value indicates the value property represents a simple, single entity such as an object attribute name or simple text string.
Nested Schema : activities-smartActions-UserActionURLBinding-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: URL Binding Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The classification of the value property of a name-value pair. The binding value of a UserActionURLBinding instance must be RUNTIME. A binding value of RUNTIME indicates the value to be assigned is the runtime value of an object attribute.
  • Links
  • Title: System Action
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the smart action is seeded or custom. 'True' indicates the smart action is seeded. The value is automatically derived from smartActions.SystemActionFlag.
  • The unique identifier of a smart action REST path parameter name-value pair definition.
  • Title: URL Binding Parameter Name
    Maximum Length: 50
    The value assigned to the name property of a name-value pair.
  • Title: URL Binding Parameter Value
    Maximum Length: 80
    The value assigned to the value property of a name-value pair.
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The following example shows how to get all activities by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -u <username:password> \ -X GET

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

  "items" : [ {
    "ActivityId" : 300100036212819,
    "ActivityNumber" : "CDRM_1007",
    "AccountId" : null,
    "ActivityCreatedBy" : "SALES_MANAGER",
    "ActivityCreationDate" : "2014-07-08T09:27:10-07:00",
    "ActivityPartialDescription" : null,
    "ActivityEndDate" : "2014-07-08T11:00:00-07:00",
    "RecordSet" : null,
    "ShowStatus" : null,
    "Subject" : "ghgh",
    "ActivityFunctionCodeTrans" : null,
    "ActivityFunctionCode" : "APPOINTMENT",
    "ActivityLastUpdateLogin" : "396B86F8D0E8B627E053780CF10A99D3",
    "ActivityStartDate" : "2014-07-08T10:00:00-07:00",
    "ActivityTypeCode" : "MEETING",
    "ActivityUpdateDate" : "2016-08-06T10:58:21-07:00",
    "ActivityUpdatedBy" : "SALES_ADMIN",
    "ActivityUserLastUpdateDate" : null,
    "AllDayFlag" : false,
    "AssessmentId" : null,
    "AutoLogSource" : null,
    "BuOrgId" : null,
    "CampaignId" : null,
    "ConflictId" : 0,
    "CreatedBy" : "SALES_MANAGER",
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