Create a collaboration action




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Action Attributes
    Title: Action Attributes
    The attributes resource lets you view, create, update, and delete attributes used in a collaboration network. These attributes are sent or received from the collaboration network when an action is performed.
  • Title: REST Catalog
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: crmRestApi
    The REST catalog used to generate the endpoint for the business object.
  • Title: Channel ID
    The unique identifier of the service channel associated with the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    A unique code that identifier the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Method
    Maximum Length: 64
    The REST API action invoked by the collaboration action such as GET or POST.
  • Title: Action Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The display name of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    Specifies what the collaboration action does when run, such as call an API or show a dialog.
  • Title: User Interface Component
    Maximum Length: 30
    The UI controls used to display the action on the collaboration network.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The description of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Display Sequence
    The display sequence of the collaboration action. This is primarily applicable to child actions that are displayed on the collaboration network UI.
  • Title: Business Object
    Maximum Length: 64
    The business object associated with the collaboration action such as service request or opportunity.
  • Title: Parent Action ID
    The unique identifier of the parent action for the collaboration action.
  • Title: Request Content Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The content type of the REST API request payload.
  • Title: Request End Point
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The endpoint of the Request API for the collaboration action.
  • Title: Request Payload
    The request payload for the request API.
  • Title: Response Content Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The content type of the REST API response.
  • Title: Response Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The response type of collaboration actions such as Action Attributes or Payload.
  • Title: Response Visibility
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the visibility of the action response in the collaboration network such as private or public.
  • Title: Response Payload
    The response of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: DRAFT
    The status of the collaboration action such as DRAFT or ACTIVE.
Nested Schema : Action Attributes
Type: array
Title: Action Attributes
The attributes resource lets you view, create, update, and delete attributes used in a collaboration network. These attributes are sent or received from the collaboration network when an action is performed.
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Attribute Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The business object attribute name associated with the collaboration action.
  • Title: Channel ID
    The channel associated with the action attribute.
  • Title: Action ID
    The unique identifier of the collaboration action associated with the attribute.
  • Title: Business Object Identifier
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is used as the context attribute for passing to and from the collaboration network and CX Sales.
  • Title: User Interface Component
    Maximum Length: 30
    The UI controls used to display the attributes on the collaboration network such as List or Text box.
  • Title: End Point
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The API to get the a list of values for an attribute of type list.
  • Title: Option Label
    Maximum Length: 64
    The API attribute used as the display value of the action attribute. This applies to action attributes with control type as List.
  • Title: Option Value
    Maximum Length: 64
    The API attribute used to save the selected action attribute value. This applies to action attributes with control type as List.
  • Title: Data Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The data type of collaboration action attributes such as Date Time or Number.
  • Title: Deep Link
    Maximum Length: 1000
    A deep link URL format that links to the object associated with the action attribute.
  • Title: Default Value
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The default value of the action attribute.
  • Title: Display Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The label of the action attribute displayed when displaying the attribute in the collaboration network.
  • Title: Display Sequence
    The display order of the action attribute.
  • Title: Included in Request
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is part of the request payload.
  • Title: Included in Response
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is part of the response payload.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : collaborationActions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Action Attributes
    Title: Action Attributes
    The attributes resource lets you view, create, update, and delete attributes used in a collaboration network. These attributes are sent or received from the collaboration network when an action is performed.
  • Title: REST Catalog
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: crmRestApi
    The REST catalog used to generate the endpoint for the business object.
  • Title: Channel ID
    The unique identifier of the service channel associated with the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    A unique code that identifier the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Method
    Maximum Length: 64
    The REST API action invoked by the collaboration action such as GET or POST.
  • Title: Action Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The display name of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Action Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    Specifies what the collaboration action does when run, such as call an API or show a dialog.
  • Title: User Interface Component
    Maximum Length: 30
    The UI controls used to display the action on the collaboration network.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the collaboration action.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the collaboration action was created.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The description of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Display Sequence
    The display sequence of the collaboration action. This is primarily applicable to child actions that are displayed on the collaboration network UI.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the collaboration action was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the collaboration action.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login details of the user who last updated the collaboration action.
  • Links
  • Title: Business Object
    Maximum Length: 64
    The business object associated with the collaboration action such as service request or opportunity.
  • Title: Parent Action ID
    The unique identifier of the parent action for the collaboration action.
  • Title: Request Content Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The content type of the REST API request payload.
  • Title: Request End Point
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The endpoint of the Request API for the collaboration action.
  • Title: Request Payload
    The request payload for the request API.
  • Title: Response Content Type
    Maximum Length: 64
    The content type of the REST API response.
  • Title: Response Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The response type of collaboration actions such as Action Attributes or Payload.
  • Title: Response Visibility
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the visibility of the action response in the collaboration network such as private or public.
  • Title: Response Payload
    The response of the collaboration action.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: DRAFT
    The status of the collaboration action such as DRAFT or ACTIVE.
Nested Schema : Action Attributes
Type: array
Title: Action Attributes
The attributes resource lets you view, create, update, and delete attributes used in a collaboration network. These attributes are sent or received from the collaboration network when an action is performed.
Show Source
Nested Schema : collaborationActions-actionAttributes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Attribute ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the action attribute.
  • Title: Attribute Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The business object attribute name associated with the collaboration action.
  • Title: Channel ID
    The channel associated with the action attribute.
  • Title: Action ID
    The unique identifier of the collaboration action associated with the attribute.
  • Title: Business Object Identifier
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is used as the context attribute for passing to and from the collaboration network and CX Sales.
  • Title: User Interface Component
    Maximum Length: 30
    The UI controls used to display the attributes on the collaboration network such as List or Text box.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the action attribute.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the action attribute was created.
  • Title: End Point
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The API to get the a list of values for an attribute of type list.
  • Title: Option Label
    Maximum Length: 64
    The API attribute used as the display value of the action attribute. This applies to action attributes with control type as List.
  • Title: Option Value
    Maximum Length: 64
    The API attribute used to save the selected action attribute value. This applies to action attributes with control type as List.
  • Title: Data Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The data type of collaboration action attributes such as Date Time or Number.
  • Title: Default Value
    Maximum Length: 4000
    The default value of the action attribute.
  • Title: Display Name
    Maximum Length: 64
    The label of the action attribute displayed when displaying the attribute in the collaboration network.
  • Title: Display Sequence
    The display order of the action attribute.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the action attribute was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the action attribute.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login details of the user who last updated the action attributes.
  • Links
  • Title: Included in Request
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is part of the request payload.
  • Title: Included in Response
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the action attribute is part of the response payload.
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