Create a person




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Academic Title
    Maximum Length: 30
    The part of the person???s title that denotes their academic qualification, such as Dr. Jane Smith.
  • Additional Identifiers
    Title: Additional Identifiers
    The additional identifiers resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an additional identifiers such as driver's license number or passport number.
  • Additional Names
    Title: Additional Names
    The additional name resource is used to view, create, update, and delete additional names associated with a person. The resource allows you to capture other names associated with a person such as a maiden name, or a brand name.
  • Addresses
    Title: Addresses
    The addresses resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an address, It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating an address. An address represents the location information of an account, contact or household.
  • Title: Address Line 1
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 2
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 3
    Maximum Length: 240
    The third line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 4
    Maximum Length: 240
    The fourth line of address.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 1
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 2
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 3
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 4
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 5
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Address Lines Phonetic
    Maximum Length: 560
    The phonetic or Kana representation of the Kanji address lines (used in Japan).
  • Title: Site Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier for the address. One of AddressId, AddressNumber, or SourceSystem and SourceSystemReferenceValue keys is used to identify the address record during update. If not specified, then it is automatically generated. Prefix defined as in profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with an internally generated unique sequence number.
  • The additional information as type of address like BillTo, ShipTo.
  • Attachments
    Title: Attachments
    The person attachments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete attachments of a person.
  • Title: Building
    Maximum Length: 240
    The specific building name or number at a given address.
  • Title: Certification Level
    Maximum Length: 30
    The certification level of the person. A list of valid certification level codes is defined using the lookup HZ_PARTY_CERT_LEVEL. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Certification Reason
    Maximum Length: 30
    The reason for the person's current certification level assignment. A list of valid certification reason codes are defined using the lookup HZ_PARTY_CERT_REASON. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: City
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city element of address.
  • Title: Cleanliness
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Cleanliness.
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for the person.
  • Title: Completeness
    Overall score for the contact / account record for category = Completeness.
  • Contact Points
    Title: Contact Points
    The contact points resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a contact point. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating the contact point. The contact point describes the types of contact points. For example, phone, email, or web.
  • Title: Contact Role
    Maximum Length: 60
    The name of the role of the contact.
  • Title: Corporate Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code used by the CRM Extensibility framework. It is defaulted to the value set in the profile option ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY.
  • Title: Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the address.
  • Title: County
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county element of address.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: ORA_ZCH_WS
    The application module that created the record. It is defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Customer Classifications
    Title: Customer Classifications
    The customer classifications resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a customer classification. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a code assignment. A code assignment represents the classification category and classification code information of an account, contact, or household.
  • Title: Enrichment Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The enrichment status of the contact record from Data-as-a-Service. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup DATA_CLOUD_STATUS. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Data Confidence
    The overall data confidence score that indicates the level of data quality for a particular record.
  • Title: Date of Birth
    The date when the person was born.
  • Title: Date of Death
    The date when the person died.
  • Title: Person Deceased
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the person is deceased or not. If the value is True, then the person is deceased. The default value is False.
  • Title: Declared Ethnicity
    Maximum Length: 60
    The declared ethnicity of the person.
  • Title: Department
    Maximum Length: 60
    The name the department of the contact.
  • Title: Department Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the department of the contact. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup DEPARTMENT_TYPE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Call
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can call the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not call the person. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Contact
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can contact the person or not by phone, e-mail, or mail. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Email
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can e-mail the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person by e-mail. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Mail
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can send mail to the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person by mail. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Duplicate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The duplicate status of the record in certain scenarios.
  • Title: Duplication
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Duplicate.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 320
    The e-mail address of the person.
  • Title: Email Verification Date
    The date when email address was last verified.
  • Title: Email Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the email address verification. The values based on lookup are valid, invalid, or partially invalid for email.
  • Title: Enrichment
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Enrichment.
  • Title: First Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The first name of the person.
  • Title: Floor
    Maximum Length: 40
    The specific floor number at a given address or in a particular building when the building number is provided.
  • Title: Gender
    Maximum Length: 30
    The gender of the person, such as male, female, and unknown. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_GENDER. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Head of Household Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the person is the head of the household. If the value is True, then the person is the head of the household. The default value is False.
  • Title: Home Phone Verification Date
    The date when home phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Home Phone Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the home phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
  • Title: Household Income
    The income of the household that this person is a part of.
  • Title: Household Size
    The size of the household this person is a part of.
  • Title: Initials
    Maximum Length: 20
    The initials of the contact???s name.
  • Title: Job Title
    Maximum Length: 100
    The job title of the contact.
  • Title: Job Title Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the job title of the contact, for example, Analyst. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup HZLookup.
  • Title: Last Contact Date
    The date when the contact was last contacted.
  • Title: Last Enrichment Date
    The date when the record was last enriched.
  • Title: Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The last name of the person.
  • Title: Last Name Prefix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The prefix for the last name of a person, such as Fon, or Van. For example, if a person???s name is Hans Van, the last name of the person is captured using this attribute.
  • Title: Last Score Date
    Indicates when the last data confidence score on this record was computed.
  • Title: Mail Stop
    Maximum Length: 60
    A user-defined code to indicate a mail drop point within their organization.
  • Title: Marital Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The marital status of the person. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup MARITAL_STATUS. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Marital Status Effective Date
    The date when the person's marital status was changed.
  • Title: Middle Name
    Maximum Length: 60
    The middle name of the person.
  • Title: Mobile Verification Date
    The date when mobile phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Mobile Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the mobile phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
  • Title: Suffix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The system generated or manually overridden suffix. The suffix is used to generate the PartyUniqueName attribute and is concatenated to the ContactName attribute to generate the PartyUniqueName. The primary address is defaulted as the suffix.
  • Notes
    Title: Notes
    The notes resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a note. A note data object captures comments, information, or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party ID
    The unique identifier of primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem, or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Source System
    The source system code of the primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Source System Reference
    The source system reference value of the primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Party Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique alternate identifier for the person party. You can update the value if the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is set to True. The default value is a concatenation of the value specified in the profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX and a unique system generated sequence number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Usage Code
    The party usage code for this person.
  • Title: Annual Income
    The estimated gross annual income of the person.
  • Title: Place of Birth
    Maximum Length: 60
    The place where the person was born, such as city or country.
  • Title: Postal Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code as defined by the formal countrywide postal system.
  • Title: Postal Code Extension
    Maximum Length: 20
    Four digit extension to the United States Postal ZIP code.
  • Title: Preferred Contact Method
    Maximum Length: 30
    The preferred contact method of the person. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type HZ_PREFERRED_CONTACT_METHOD. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Preferred Functional Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The code indicating the person's default currency. A list of valid currency codes are defined during the application setup.
  • Title: Previous Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The previous last name or surname of the person.
  • Title: Province
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province element of address.
  • Title: Raw Home Phone Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted home phone number of the person.
  • Title: Raw Mobile Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted mobile phone number of the person.
  • Title: Raw Work Phone Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted work phone number of the person.
  • Title: Recency
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Recency.
  • Title: Registration Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the registration status of the person. For example, Approved, Pending, or Rejected. The valid list of values is defined in the lookup ORA_CONTACT_REG_STATUS.
  • Relationships
    Title: Relationships
    The relationships resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a relationship. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a relationship. This object stores attributes that define and categorizes a relationship between two entities such as account, contact, and household.
  • Title: Rent or Own Indicator
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates if this contact owns or rents his or her residence. A list of valid values for rent, own, and lease are defined in the lookup OWN_RENT_IND. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Affinity
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the affinity of a contact to the deploying organization. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_SLS_CNTCT_AFFINITY_CODE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Buying Role
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the roles played by a contact in the buying process, for example, decision maker or supporting role. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_SLS_CNTCT_BUY_ROLE_CODE. Review and update the values for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Salutation
    Maximum Length: 60
    The phrase used to address a contact party in any correspondence.
  • Title: Prefix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The title or a salutary introduction for a contact, such as Mr., Herr, and so on. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup CONTACT_TITLE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Second Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The second last name for a person. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_PERSON_PROFILES. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Source System
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of external source system where the person party is imported from. The values configured in setup task Trading Community Source System.
  • Source System References
    Title: Source System References
    The source system references resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a source system reference. It is an external system from which data can be imported into the trading community registry.
  • Title: Source System Reference
    Maximum Length: 255
    The unique identifier for the person party from the external source system specified in the attribute SourceSystem.
  • Title: State
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state element of address.
  • Title: Taxpayer Identification Number
    Maximum Length: 20
    The taxpayer identification number that is often a unique identifier of the person such as income taxpayer Id in USA and fiscal code or NIF in Europe.
  • Title: Third Party Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicate whether the person was a third party.
  • Title: Time Zone
    Maximum Length: 64
    The time zone where the person is located.
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 60
    A professional or family title, such as Don or The Right Honorable.
  • Title: Name Suffix
    Maximum Length: 540
    The suffix used to generate the attribute PartyUniqueName. The suffix is concatenated to the PersonName attribute to generate the PartyUniqueName. The primary address is defaulted as the suffix.
  • Usage Assignments
    Title: Usage Assignments
    The party usage assignments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a party usage assignment. It is the party usage assignment associated with a trading community member.
  • Title: Validated
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the person was validated.
  • Title: Validity
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Validity.
  • Title: Work Phone Verification Date
    The date when work phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Work Phone Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the work phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
Nested Schema : Additional Identifiers
Type: array
Title: Additional Identifiers
The additional identifiers resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an additional identifiers such as driver's license number or passport number.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Additional Names
Type: array
Title: Additional Names
The additional name resource is used to view, create, update, and delete additional names associated with a person. The resource allows you to capture other names associated with a person such as a maiden name, or a brand name.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Addresses
Type: array
Title: Addresses
The addresses resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an address, It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating an address. An address represents the location information of an account, contact or household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
The person attachments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete attachments of a person.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Contact Points
Type: array
Title: Contact Points
The contact points resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a contact point. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating the contact point. The contact point describes the types of contact points. For example, phone, email, or web.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Customer Classifications
Type: array
Title: Customer Classifications
The customer classifications resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a customer classification. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a code assignment. A code assignment represents the classification category and classification code information of an account, contact, or household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Notes
Type: array
Title: Notes
The notes resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a note. A note data object captures comments, information, or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Relationships
Type: array
Title: Relationships
The relationships resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a relationship. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a relationship. This object stores attributes that define and categorizes a relationship between two entities such as account, contact, and household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Source System References
Type: array
Title: Source System References
The source system references resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a source system reference. It is an external system from which data can be imported into the trading community registry.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Usage Assignments
Type: array
Title: Usage Assignments
The party usage assignments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a party usage assignment. It is the party usage assignment associated with a trading community member.
Show Source
Nested Schema : hubPersons-AdditionalIdentifier-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Issuing Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the additional identifier. It is used to review the list of country codes using the Manage Geographies task.
  • Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created this organization record. The default value is HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. You can review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 240
    The description of the additional identifier.
  • Title: Expiration Date
    The date when the additional identifier will expire.
  • Title: Issue Date
    The date when the additional identifier was issued.
  • Title: Issuing Authority Name
    Maximum Length: 500
    The name of the issuing authority of the additional identifier.
  • The unique identifier of the issuing authority party.
  • The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Identifier Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of party identifier.
  • Title: Identifier Value
    Maximum Length: 60
    The value of the party identifier.
  • The party number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber, or PartySourceSystem, and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact, or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • The identifier for the record from an external source system.
  • The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Title: Issuing State
    Maximum Length: 60
    Used for certain types of identifiers such as Passports or Driving licenses based on geography setup.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    The status code of the additional identifier.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Academic Title
    Maximum Length: 30
    The part of the person's title that denotes the academic qualification, such as Dr. Jane Smith.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict. This number is used by mobile or portable applications that consume the web service.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 240
    The description of the Additional Name record.
  • Title: First Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The first name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Title: Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The last name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Title: Middle Name
    Maximum Length: 60
    The middle name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Title: Additional Name
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the organization, person, or group party. For example, "Oracle" or "John Smith".
  • Title: Additional Name Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of the name. For example, ALIAS or LEGAL.
  • The unique identifier of the party.
  • The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • The identifier for the record from an external source system.
  • Title: Preferred Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Identify the name as preferred name for this party within this name type. Possible values are 'Y' and 'N'. Default is 'N'.
  • The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: true
    The status of the additional name, used for soft delete.
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 60
    A professional or family title, such as Don or The Right Honorable.
  • Title: Transliteration Language
    Maximum Length: 4
    Transliteration Language helps people pronounce words and names in foreign languages. It is validated against FND_LANGUAGES.LANGUAGE_CODE. Sample values are US, NL, DK etc.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-Address-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Additional Address Element 1
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 2
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 3
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 4
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 5
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Address Line 1
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 2
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 3
    Maximum Length: 240
    The third line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 4
    Maximum Length: 240
    The fourth line for address.
  • Title: Address Lines Phonetic
    Maximum Length: 560
    The phonetic or Kana representation of the Kanji address lines (used in Japan).
  • Title: Site Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier for the address. One of AddressId, AddressNumber, or SourceSystem and SourceSystemReferenceValue keys is used to identify the address record during update. If not specified, then it is automatically generated. Prefix defined as in profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with an internally generated unique sequence number.
  • Title: Type
    The type of address.
  • Title: Building
    Maximum Length: 240
    The specific building name or number at a given address.
  • The formatted address.
  • Title: City
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city element of Address.
  • Title: CLLI Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code.
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for the address.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Corporate Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code associated with the addresses. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework.
  • Title: Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the address.
  • Title: County
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county element of address.
  • Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created this organization record. Defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Maximum Length: 30
    The application module that created this organization record. Defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the address. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code related to the address. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Validated Date
    The date on which the address was last validated.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 2000
    An extensive description of the location.
  • Title: Contact Preferences
    Default Value: false
    Indicates that this address should not be used for mailing.
  • Title: Don't Validate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates that a particular location is not eligible for address validation regardless of the current Validation Status Code.
  • Title: D-U-N-S Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The D-U-N-S number of the business location.
  • The effective date of the address.
  • Title: End Date
    The date after which this address is rendered inactive.
  • Title: Floor
    Maximum Length: 40
    The specific floor number at a given address or in a particular building when the building number is provided.
  • Title: House Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the building type. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup HZ_HOUSE_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Latitude
    The attribute is used to store latitude information for the location for spatial proximity and containment purposes.
  • Title: Location Directions
    Maximum Length: 640
    The directions to the location.
  • Title: Location ID
    The unique identifier for the location record for this address.
  • Title: Longitude
    The attribute is used to store longitude information for the location for spatial proximity and containment purposes.
  • Title: Mail Stop
    Maximum Length: 60
    A user-defined code to indicate a mail drop point within their organization.
  • The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
  • The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique Identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the address is associated. One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to uniquely identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated.
  • Title: Party Number
    The alternate unique identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the address is associated. One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The default value is the value specified in the profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with a unique generated sequence number. The value is updateable depending on the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER. A list of valid values is defined in the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Profile Options task. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Site Name
    Maximum Length: 240
    The user defined name for the address.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of Alternate Key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    Identifier from external source system for the account, contact or household with which the address is associated. Part of Alternate Key (along with PartySourceSystem) . One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated.
  • Title: Postal Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code as defined by the formal countrywide postal system.
  • Title: Postal Code Extension
    Maximum Length: 20
    The four digit extension to the United States Postal ZIP code.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if this is the primary address of the associated object. Accepts values Y for primary contact, N for all others.
  • Title: Province
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province element of Address.
  • The name of external source system for the address denoted by a code, which is defined by an administrator as part of system setup. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify an address.
  • The unique identifier for the address from the external source. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify an address.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date from which this address is active. Defaulted to the current system date if not provided during create.
  • Title: State
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state element of Address.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    An internal application determined flag indicating status of the address. Status codes are defined by the lookup HZ_STATUS.
  • Title: Validated
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the location was validated. Y for validated, N for invalidated. If the value is True, then the location is validated. The value is internally set by system during address cleansing.
  • Title: Validation Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The standardized status code that describes the results of the validation.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Conflict ID
    Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of contact point.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Default Value: HZ_WS
    The user who created the module.
  • Title: OK to Contact
    Indicates whether to use a particular contact method.
  • Title: Do Not Contact
    The contact preference flag that indicates DNC option.
  • Title: Do Not Contact Reason
    The reason code for the contact preference.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 255
    The email address of the contact point.
  • Title: Email Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    The purpose of the email.
  • Title: Object Version Number
    The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Registry ID
    The party number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Title: Area Code
    Maximum Length: 255
    The area code for the telephone number.
  • Title: Phone Country Code
    Maximum Length: 255
    The country code of the phone number.
  • Title: Extension
    Maximum Length: 255
    The extension number of the phone line number like office desk extension.
  • Title: Phone
    Maximum Length: 255
    The phone number of the contact point.
  • Title: Phone Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the PHONE contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE. Sample values are ASSISTANT, PERSONAL, HOME_BUSINESS, BUSINESS etc.
  • Title: Type
    The type of the phone.
  • Title: Preference Requested By
    Indicates if the permission or restriction was created internally or requested by the party. The list of accepted values are defined in the REQUESTED_BY lookup.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the phone number is preferred.
  • Title: Phone
    Maximum Length: 255
    The phone number in raw format.
  • Title: User ID
    The unique identifier for the social network.
  • Title: Social Network
    The social network type.
  • Title: Social Network Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the IM contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE. Sample values ASSISTANT, PERSONAL, HOME_BUSINESS, BUSINESS etc.
  • Title: Source System
    The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • Title: Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier for the accounts party from the external source system specified in the attribute SourceSystem. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: A
    The status of the contact point.
  • Title: URL
    The URL associated with the contact point.
  • Title: Verification Date
    The date of verification of the phone or email contact point.
  • Title: Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status of the verification for phone or email contact points. Accepted values are defined in the standard lookup type ORA_HZ_VALIDATION_STATUS as ORA_VALID, ORA_INVALID and ORA_PARTIALLY_VALID. The value ORA_PARTIALLY_VALID is applicable only for email. Default value is blank which indicates that values are not verified.
  • Title: Web Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the WEB contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB. Sample values are HOMEPAGE, SALESURL, MARKETINGURL, SUPPORTURL, RSS_FEED etc.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Classification Category
    Maximum Length: 30
    The name of the classification category.
  • Title: Classification Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    A valid classification code corresponding to the classification category.
  • Title: Created by Module
    Maximum Length: 30
    The application or module that created the record. The default value is HZ_WS for all web service based creation.
  • Title: End Date
    The date on which the classification code is no longer valid.
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique identifier of account, contact, or household to which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Party Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique alternate identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the classification category and classification code is associated. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of the external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    The identifier from external source system for the account, contact, or household with which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicator to show if the current code is the primary classification code.
  • Title: Source System
    The name of external source system for the class category denoted by a code, which is defined by an administrator as part of system setup. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify a class category.
  • Title: Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier for the class category from the external source. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify a class category.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date on which the classification becomes valid.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    Indicates if the code assignment is active or inactive, such as A for active and I for inactive.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Contact Relationship ID
    The relationship ID populated when the note is associated with a contact.
  • Title: Corporate Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency associated with the note.
  • Title: Creator Party ID
    The unique identifier of the creator party.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance.
  • Title: Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code related to the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The system generated or can come from external system (user key).
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 500
    The user provided title for the note.
  • Title: Note
    The column that stores the actual text of the note.
  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The note type code for categorization of note.
  • Title: Parent Note ID
    The unique identifier of the parent note.
  • Title: Related Object Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The source_object_code for the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.
  • Title: Related Object
    Maximum Length: 64
    The source_object_Uid for the source object (such as Activities, Opportunities etc.) as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.
  • Title: Private
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: INTERNAL
    The attribute to specify the visibility level of the note.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for this relationship.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created the record. It is defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Dependent Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether one party is a dependent on another.
  • Title: To Date
    The date when the relationship ends.
  • Title: Head of Household Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether a person is the head of the household that he belongs to.
  • Title: Influence Level
    The sales contact's influence in a buying relationship. Sample values are Inner Circle, Political structure, None.
  • Maximum Length: 100
    The definition of the job name.
  • Maximum Length: 900
    The definition of the job package.
  • The primary key identifier of the object in this relationship. Either one of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Title: Object Registry ID
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique identification number for the object party of the relationship. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Title: Object Source System
    The name of external source system for the object party in the relationship, which are defined by an admin as part of system setup. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Object Source System Reference
    The identifier for the object party in the relationship from external source system. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The source table name of the object party in this relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The object type of the contact.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The usage code of object party in the relationship.
  • The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • Title: Ownership Percentage
    The percentage of the child entity owned by the parent entity.
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether this contact person is primary contact for the customer. Accepted values are Y and N. Default value is N.
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether this customer is primary customer for the contact. Accepted values are Y and N. Default value is N.
  • Title: Relationship Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates whether this is a forward or a backward relationship code. A list of valid relationship codes is defined in the lookup PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Relationship Lookups.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship record.
  • The name of external source system for the relationship, which is defined by an admin as part of the system setup.
  • The identifier for the relationship with the external source system.
  • Title: Relationship Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The relationship type name. For example, CUSTOMER_SUPPLIER. A list of valid relationship types is defined in the lookup HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Relationship Lookups.
  • The unique identifier of the request.
  • Title: Role
    The role between the subject and object party.
  • Title: From Date
    The date when the relationship was established. Defaulted to the system date.
  • The primary key identifier of the subject in this relationship. Either one of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Title: Subject Registry ID
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate key identifier for the subject party of the relationship. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Title: Subject Source System
    The name of external source system for the subject party in the relationship, which are defined by an admin as part of system setup. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Subject Source System Reference
    The identifier for the subject party in the relationship from external source system. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The source table of the subject.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The subject type of the contact.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The usage code of subject party in the contact.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict. This number is used by mobile or portable applications that consume the web service.
  • Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created the record. It is defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • The end date of the record.
  • The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • The unique identifier of the account, contact, or household.
  • Title: Party Number
    The public unique Identifier of the account, contact, or household. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The source system name for the account, contact, and household.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    The identifier for the record from an external source system.
  • Title: Source System
    Maximum Length: 30
    The source system name.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The source system id for the source system logical entity.
  • The start date of the source system.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    The status of the reference. A for Active. Mapping is invalid. The for Inactive. Mapping is invalid. The default is A for Active.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : hubPersons-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Academic Title
    Maximum Length: 30
    The part of the person???s title that denotes their academic qualification, such as Dr. Jane Smith.
  • Additional Identifiers
    Title: Additional Identifiers
    The additional identifiers resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an additional identifiers such as driver's license number or passport number.
  • Additional Names
    Title: Additional Names
    The additional name resource is used to view, create, update, and delete additional names associated with a person. The resource allows you to capture other names associated with a person such as a maiden name, or a brand name.
  • Addresses
    Title: Addresses
    The addresses resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an address, It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating an address. An address represents the location information of an account, contact or household.
  • Title: Address Line 1
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 2
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 3
    Maximum Length: 240
    The third line of address.
  • Title: Address Line 4
    Maximum Length: 240
    The fourth line of address.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 1
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 2
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 3
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 4
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 5
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Address Lines Phonetic
    Maximum Length: 560
    The phonetic or Kana representation of the Kanji address lines (used in Japan).
  • Title: Site Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier for the address. One of AddressId, AddressNumber, or SourceSystem and SourceSystemReferenceValue keys is used to identify the address record during update. If not specified, then it is automatically generated. Prefix defined as in profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with an internally generated unique sequence number.
  • The additional information as type of address like BillTo, ShipTo.
  • Attachments
    Title: Attachments
    The person attachments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete attachments of a person.
  • Title: Building
    Maximum Length: 240
    The specific building name or number at a given address.
  • Title: Certification Level
    Maximum Length: 30
    The certification level of the person. A list of valid certification level codes is defined using the lookup HZ_PARTY_CERT_LEVEL. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Certification Reason
    Maximum Length: 30
    The reason for the person's current certification level assignment. A list of valid certification reason codes are defined using the lookup HZ_PARTY_CERT_REASON. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: City
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city element of address.
  • Title: Cleanliness
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Cleanliness.
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for the person.
  • Title: Completeness
    Overall score for the contact / account record for category = Completeness.
  • Contact Points
    Title: Contact Points
    The contact points resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a contact point. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating the contact point. The contact point describes the types of contact points. For example, phone, email, or web.
  • Title: Contact Role
    Maximum Length: 60
    The name of the role of the contact.
  • Title: Corporate Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code used by the CRM Extensibility framework. It is defaulted to the value set in the profile option ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY.
  • Title: Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the address.
  • Title: County
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county element of address.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the person record.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: ORA_ZCH_WS
    The application module that created the record. It is defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the person record was created.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Customer Classifications
    Title: Customer Classifications
    The customer classifications resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a customer classification. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a code assignment. A code assignment represents the classification category and classification code information of an account, contact, or household.
  • Title: Enrichment Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The enrichment status of the contact record from Data-as-a-Service. A list of valid values are defined in the lookup DATA_CLOUD_STATUS. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Data Confidence
    The overall data confidence score that indicates the level of data quality for a particular record.
  • Title: Date of Birth
    The date when the person was born.
  • Title: Date of Death
    The date when the person died.
  • Title: Person Deceased
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the person is deceased or not. If the value is True, then the person is deceased. The default value is False.
  • Title: Declared Ethnicity
    Maximum Length: 60
    The declared ethnicity of the person.
  • Title: Department
    Maximum Length: 60
    The name the department of the contact.
  • Title: Department Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the department of the contact. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup DEPARTMENT_TYPE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Call
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can call the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not call the person. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Contact
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can contact the person or not by phone, e-mail, or mail. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Email
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can e-mail the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person by e-mail. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Do Not Mail
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the user can send mail to the person or not. If the value is True, then the user must not contact the person by mail. The default value is False. A list of accepted values is defined using the lookup YES_NO. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Duplicate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The duplicate status of the record in certain scenarios.
  • Title: Duplication
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Duplicate.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 320
    The e-mail address of the person.
  • Title: Email Verification Date
    The date when email address was last verified.
  • Title: Email Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the email address verification. The values based on lookup are valid, invalid, or partially invalid for email.
  • Title: Enrichment
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Enrichment.
  • Title: First Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The first name of the person.
  • Title: Floor
    Maximum Length: 40
    The specific floor number at a given address or in a particular building when the building number is provided.
  • Title: Gender
    Maximum Length: 30
    The gender of the person, such as male, female, and unknown. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_GENDER. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Head of Household Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if the person is the head of the household. If the value is True, then the person is the head of the household. The default value is False.
  • Title: Home Phone Verification Date
    The date when home phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Home Phone Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the home phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
  • Title: Household Income
    The income of the household that this person is a part of.
  • Title: Household Size
    The size of the household this person is a part of.
  • Title: Initials
    Maximum Length: 20
    The initials of the contact???s name.
  • Title: Job Title
    Maximum Length: 100
    The job title of the contact.
  • Title: Job Title Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the job title of the contact, for example, Analyst. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup HZLookup.
  • Title: Last Contact Date
    The date when the contact was last contacted.
  • Title: Last Enrichment Date
    The date when the record was last enriched.
  • Title: Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The last name of the person.
  • Title: Last Name Prefix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The prefix for the last name of a person, such as Fon, or Van. For example, if a person???s name is Hans Van, the last name of the person is captured using this attribute.
  • Title: Last Score Date
    Indicates when the last data confidence score on this record was computed.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the record was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Links
  • Title: Mail Stop
    Maximum Length: 60
    A user-defined code to indicate a mail drop point within their organization.
  • Title: Marital Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The marital status of the person. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup MARITAL_STATUS. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Marital Status Effective Date
    The date when the person's marital status was changed.
  • Title: Middle Name
    Maximum Length: 60
    The middle name of the person.
  • Title: Mobile Verification Date
    The date when mobile phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Mobile Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the mobile phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
  • Title: Suffix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The system generated or manually overridden suffix. The suffix is used to generate the PartyUniqueName attribute and is concatenated to the ContactName attribute to generate the PartyUniqueName. The primary address is defaulted as the suffix.
  • Notes
    Title: Notes
    The notes resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a note. A note data object captures comments, information, or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party ID
    The unique identifier of primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem, or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The organization name of the primary organization that this person belongs to. This is a read only attribute.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Number
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The party number of the primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Source System
    The source system code of the primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Primary Organization Party Source System Reference
    The source system reference value of the primary organization that this person belongs to. To specify the primary organization for a person you can provide an Organization's party ID, PartyNumber, SourceSystem or SourceSystemReference.
  • Title: Party ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the person.
  • Title: Party Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique alternate identifier for the person party. You can update the value if the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is set to True. The default value is a concatenation of the value specified in the profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX and a unique system generated sequence number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Usage Code
    The party usage code for this person.
  • Title: Annual Income
    The estimated gross annual income of the person.
  • Title: Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 450
    The derived name of the person.
  • Title: Place of Birth
    Maximum Length: 60
    The place where the person was born, such as city or country.
  • Title: Postal Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code as defined by the formal countrywide postal system.
  • Title: Postal Code Extension
    Maximum Length: 20
    Four digit extension to the United States Postal ZIP code.
  • Title: Preferred Contact Method
    Maximum Length: 30
    The preferred contact method of the person. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type HZ_PREFERRED_CONTACT_METHOD. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Preferred Functional Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The code indicating the person's default currency. A list of valid currency codes are defined during the application setup.
  • Title: Previous Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The previous last name or surname of the person.
  • Title: Province
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province element of address.
  • Title: Raw Home Phone Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted home phone number of the person.
  • Title: Raw Mobile Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted mobile phone number of the person.
  • Title: Raw Work Phone Number
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unformatted work phone number of the person.
  • Title: Recency
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Recency.
  • Title: Registration Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the registration status of the person. For example, Approved, Pending, or Rejected. The valid list of values is defined in the lookup ORA_CONTACT_REG_STATUS.
  • Relationships
    Title: Relationships
    The relationships resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a relationship. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a relationship. This object stores attributes that define and categorizes a relationship between two entities such as account, contact, and household.
  • Title: Rent or Own Indicator
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates if this contact owns or rents his or her residence. A list of valid values for rent, own, and lease are defined in the lookup OWN_RENT_IND. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Affinity
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the affinity of a contact to the deploying organization. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_SLS_CNTCT_AFFINITY_CODE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Buying Role
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code indicating the roles played by a contact in the buying process, for example, decision maker or supporting role. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_SLS_CNTCT_BUY_ROLE_CODE. Review and update the values for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Contact Lookups task.
  • Title: Salutation
    Maximum Length: 60
    The phrase used to address a contact party in any correspondence.
  • Title: Prefix
    Maximum Length: 30
    The title or a salutary introduction for a contact, such as Mr., Herr, and so on. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup CONTACT_TITLE. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Second Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The second last name for a person. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup HZ_PERSON_PROFILES. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Source System
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of external source system where the person party is imported from. The values configured in setup task Trading Community Source System.
  • Source System References
    Title: Source System References
    The source system references resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a source system reference. It is an external system from which data can be imported into the trading community registry.
  • Title: Source System Reference
    Maximum Length: 255
    The unique identifier for the person party from the external source system specified in the attribute SourceSystem.
  • Title: State
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state element of address.
  • Title: Status
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    The status of the person. This is an internally-used column and the values are defined in the lookup HZ_STATUS. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups task.
  • Title: Taxpayer Identification Number
    Maximum Length: 20
    The taxpayer identification number that is often a unique identifier of the person such as income taxpayer Id in USA and fiscal code or NIF in Europe.
  • Title: Third Party Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicate whether the person was a third party.
  • Title: Time Zone
    Maximum Length: 64
    The time zone where the person is located.
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 60
    A professional or family title, such as Don or The Right Honorable.
  • Title: Name Suffix
    Maximum Length: 540
    The suffix used to generate the attribute PartyUniqueName. The suffix is concatenated to the PersonName attribute to generate the PartyUniqueName. The primary address is defaulted as the suffix.
  • Usage Assignments
    Title: Usage Assignments
    The party usage assignments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a party usage assignment. It is the party usage assignment associated with a trading community member.
  • Title: Validated
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the person was validated.
  • Title: Validity
    The overall score for the contact / account record for category = Validity.
  • Title: Work Phone Verification Date
    The date when work phone number was last verified.
  • Title: Work Phone Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status code of the work phone number verification. The values based on lookup are valid and invalid for phone.
Nested Schema : Additional Identifiers
Type: array
Title: Additional Identifiers
The additional identifiers resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an additional identifiers such as driver's license number or passport number.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Additional Names
Type: array
Title: Additional Names
The additional name resource is used to view, create, update, and delete additional names associated with a person. The resource allows you to capture other names associated with a person such as a maiden name, or a brand name.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Addresses
Type: array
Title: Addresses
The addresses resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an address, It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating an address. An address represents the location information of an account, contact or household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
The person attachments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete attachments of a person.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Contact Points
Type: array
Title: Contact Points
The contact points resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a contact point. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating the contact point. The contact point describes the types of contact points. For example, phone, email, or web.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Customer Classifications
Type: array
Title: Customer Classifications
The customer classifications resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a customer classification. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a code assignment. A code assignment represents the classification category and classification code information of an account, contact, or household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Notes
Type: array
Title: Notes
The notes resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a note. A note data object captures comments, information, or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Relationships
Type: array
Title: Relationships
The relationships resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a relationship. It is an object that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating a relationship. This object stores attributes that define and categorizes a relationship between two entities such as account, contact, and household.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Source System References
Type: array
Title: Source System References
The source system references resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a source system reference. It is an external system from which data can be imported into the trading community registry.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Usage Assignments
Type: array
Title: Usage Assignments
The party usage assignments resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a party usage assignment. It is the party usage assignment associated with a trading community member.
Show Source
Nested Schema : hubPersons-AdditionalIdentifier-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Issuing Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the additional identifier. It is used to review the list of country codes using the Manage Geographies task.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the additional identifier.
  • Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created this organization record. The default value is HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. You can review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the additional identifier was created.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 240
    The description of the additional identifier.
  • Title: Expiration Date
    The date when the additional identifier will expire.
  • Title: Issue Date
    The date when the additional identifier was issued.
  • Title: Issuing Authority Name
    Maximum Length: 500
    The name of the issuing authority of the additional identifier.
  • The unique identifier of the issuing authority party.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the additional identifier was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the additional identifier.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the additional identifier.
  • Links
  • Read Only: true
    The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • The unique identifier of the party.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Identifier Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of party identifier.
  • Title: Identifier Value
    Maximum Length: 60
    The value of the party identifier.
  • The party number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber, or PartySourceSystem, and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact, or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • The identifier for the record from an external source system.
  • The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Title: Issuing State
    Maximum Length: 60
    Used for certain types of identifiers such as Passports or Driving licenses based on geography setup.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    The status code of the additional identifier.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-AdditionalName-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Academic Title
    Maximum Length: 30
    The part of the person's title that denotes the academic qualification, such as Dr. Jane Smith.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict. This number is used by mobile or portable applications that consume the web service.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the contact record.
  • Read Only: true
    The date and time when the contact record was created.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 240
    The description of the Additional Name record.
  • Title: First Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The first name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Title: Last Name
    Maximum Length: 150
    The last name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Read Only: true
    The date and time when the contact was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the contact record.
  • Links
  • Title: Middle Name
    Maximum Length: 60
    The middle name of the person (Not Applicable).
  • Title: Additional Name
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the organization, person, or group party. For example, "Oracle" or "John Smith".
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the name.
  • Title: Additional Name Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of the name. For example, ALIAS or LEGAL.
  • The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Registry ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The party number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • The identifier for the record from an external source system.
  • Title: Preferred Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Identify the name as preferred name for this party within this name type. Possible values are 'Y' and 'N'. Default is 'N'.
  • The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: true
    The status of the additional name, used for soft delete.
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 60
    A professional or family title, such as Don or The Right Honorable.
  • Title: Transliteration Language
    Maximum Length: 4
    Transliteration Language helps people pronounce words and names in foreign languages. It is validated against FND_LANGUAGES.LANGUAGE_CODE. Sample values are US, NL, DK etc.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-Address-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Additional Address Element 1
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 2
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 3
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 4
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Additional Address Element 5
    Maximum Length: 150
    The additional address element to support flexible address format.
  • Title: Address Line 1
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 2
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 3
    Maximum Length: 240
    The third line for address.
  • Title: Address Line 4
    Maximum Length: 240
    The fourth line for address.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique address identifier that is internally generated during create. One of AddressId, AddressNumber, or SourceSystem and SourceSystemReferenceValue keys is used to identify the address record during update.
  • Title: Address Lines Phonetic
    Maximum Length: 560
    The phonetic or Kana representation of the Kanji address lines (used in Japan).
  • Title: Site Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate unique identifier for the address. One of AddressId, AddressNumber, or SourceSystem and SourceSystemReferenceValue keys is used to identify the address record during update. If not specified, then it is automatically generated. Prefix defined as in profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with an internally generated unique sequence number.
  • Title: Type
    The type of address.
  • Title: Building
    Maximum Length: 240
    The specific building name or number at a given address.
  • The formatted address.
  • Title: City
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city element of Address.
  • Title: CLLI Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code.
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for the address.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Corporate Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency code associated with the addresses. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework.
  • Title: Country
    Maximum Length: 2
    The country code of the address.
  • Title: County
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county element of address.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the address record.
  • Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created this organization record. Defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Maximum Length: 30
    The application module that created this organization record. Defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the record was created.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the address. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code related to the address. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Currency Profile Options task.
  • Title: Validated Date
    The date on which the address was last validated.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 2000
    An extensive description of the location.
  • Title: Contact Preferences
    Default Value: false
    Indicates that this address should not be used for mailing.
  • Title: Don't Validate
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates that a particular location is not eligible for address validation regardless of the current Validation Status Code.
  • Title: D-U-N-S Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The D-U-N-S number of the business location.
  • The effective date of the address.
  • Title: End Date
    The date after which this address is rendered inactive.
  • Title: Floor
    Maximum Length: 40
    The specific floor number at a given address or in a particular building when the building number is provided.
  • Title: Address
    Read Only: true
    The formatted address information.
  • Title: Formatted Address 1
    Read Only: true
    The formatted address information.
  • Title: Address
    Read Only: true
    The formatted multiple line address information.
  • Title: Address
    Read Only: true
    The formatted multiple line address information.
  • Title: House Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the building type. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup HZ_HOUSE_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the record was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the contact record.
  • Title: Latitude
    The attribute is used to store latitude information for the location for spatial proximity and containment purposes.
  • Links
  • Title: Location Directions
    Maximum Length: 640
    The directions to the location.
  • Title: Location ID
    The unique identifier for the location record for this address.
  • Title: Longitude
    The attribute is used to store longitude information for the location for spatial proximity and containment purposes.
  • Title: Mail Stop
    Maximum Length: 60
    A user-defined code to indicate a mail drop point within their organization.
  • The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
  • The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique Identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the address is associated. One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to uniquely identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated.
  • Title: Party Number
    The alternate unique identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the address is associated. One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The default value is the value specified in the profile option ZCA_PUID_PREFIX concatenated with a unique generated sequence number. The value is updateable depending on the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER. A list of valid values is defined in the profile option HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Trading Community Common Profile Options task. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Site Name
    Maximum Length: 240
    The user defined name for the address.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of Alternate Key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    Identifier from external source system for the account, contact or household with which the address is associated. Part of Alternate Key (along with PartySourceSystem) . One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated.
  • Title: Postal Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code as defined by the formal countrywide postal system.
  • Title: Postal Code Extension
    Maximum Length: 20
    The four digit extension to the United States Postal ZIP code.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates if this is the primary address of the associated object. Accepts values Y for primary contact, N for all others.
  • Title: Province
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province element of Address.
  • The name of external source system for the address denoted by a code, which is defined by an administrator as part of system setup. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify an address.
  • The unique identifier for the address from the external source. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify an address.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the table that holds the record data and is referenced to manage source system reference.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Default Value: HZ_PARTIES
    The name of the table that holds the party record data and is referenced to manage source system reference.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date from which this address is active. Defaulted to the current system date if not provided during create.
  • Title: State
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state element of Address.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    An internal application determined flag indicating status of the address. Status codes are defined by the lookup HZ_STATUS.
  • Title: Validated
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the location was validated. Y for validated, N for invalidated. If the value is True, then the location is validated. The value is internally set by system during address cleansing.
  • Read Only: true
    The date on which the validation starts. Internally set by system during address cleansing.
  • Title: Validation Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The standardized status code that describes the results of the validation.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-Attachment-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : hubPersons-ContactPoint-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Conflict ID
    Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Contact Point ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the contact point.
  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The type of contact point.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the record.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Default Value: HZ_WS
    The user who created the module.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the record was created.
  • Title: OK to Contact
    Indicates whether to use a particular contact method.
  • Title: Do Not Contact
    The contact preference flag that indicates DNC option.
  • Title: Do Not Contact Reason
    The reason code for the contact preference.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 255
    The email address of the contact point.
  • Title: Email Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    The purpose of the email.
  • Title: Phone Number
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The formatted phone number of the contact point.
  • Title: Last Update Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the contact point was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the contact point.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the contact point.
  • Links
  • Title: Object Version Number
    The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Registry ID
    The party number. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the address is associated. Part of alternate key for the account, contact or household record (along with PartyourceSystemReferenceValue). One of PartyId, PartyNumber or PartySourceSystem and PartySourceSystemReferenceValue keys is required to identify the account, contact or household record with which the address is associated. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier of the relationship from external source system.
  • Title: Area Code
    Maximum Length: 255
    The area code for the telephone number.
  • Title: Phone Country Code
    Maximum Length: 255
    The country code of the phone number.
  • Title: Extension
    Maximum Length: 255
    The extension number of the phone line number like office desk extension.
  • Title: Phone
    Maximum Length: 255
    The phone number of the contact point.
  • Title: Phone Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the PHONE contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE. Sample values are ASSISTANT, PERSONAL, HOME_BUSINESS, BUSINESS etc.
  • Title: Type
    The type of the phone.
  • Title: Preference Requested By
    Indicates if the permission or restriction was created internally or requested by the party. The list of accepted values are defined in the REQUESTED_BY lookup.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the phone number is preferred.
  • Title: Phone
    Maximum Length: 255
    The phone number in raw format.
  • Title: User ID
    The unique identifier for the social network.
  • Title: Social Network
    The social network type.
  • Title: Social Network Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the IM contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE. Sample values ASSISTANT, PERSONAL, HOME_BUSINESS, BUSINESS etc.
  • Title: Source System
    The name of external source system, which is defined by an admin as part of system setup. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • Title: Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier for the accounts party from the external source system specified in the attribute SourceSystem. It is part of alternate key (along with SourceSystemReference), and is mandatory if PK or partyNumberBusinessKey is not passed in update.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: A
    The status of the contact point.
  • Title: URL
    The URL associated with the contact point.
  • Title: Verification Date
    The date of verification of the phone or email contact point.
  • Title: Verification Status
    Maximum Length: 30
    The status of the verification for phone or email contact points. Accepted values are defined in the standard lookup type ORA_HZ_VALIDATION_STATUS as ORA_VALID, ORA_INVALID and ORA_PARTIALLY_VALID. The value ORA_PARTIALLY_VALID is applicable only for email. Default value is blank which indicates that values are not verified.
  • Title: Web Purpose
    Maximum Length: 30
    Defines the purpose of using the WEB contact point. The accepted values are defined in the lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB. Sample values are HOMEPAGE, SALESURL, MARKETINGURL, SUPPORTURL, RSS_FEED etc.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-CustomerClassification-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Classification Category
    Maximum Length: 30
    The name of the classification category.
  • Title: Classification Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    A valid classification code corresponding to the classification category.
  • Title: Classification Code Meaning
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 80
    A valid classification code meaning corresponding to the classification code.
  • Title: Code Assignment ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier for the customer classification assignment.
  • Read Only: true
    Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The name of the user who created the record.
  • Title: Created by Module
    Maximum Length: 30
    The application or module that created the record. The default value is HZ_WS for all web service based creation.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    Indicates the date and time when the record is created.
  • Title: End Date
    The date on which the classification code is no longer valid.
  • Title: Auxiliary Classification Status
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the classification category is a custom group classification category.
  • Title: Industry Type Status
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the classification category is an industry group classification category.
  • Title: Organization Type Status
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the classification category is an organization type classification category.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    Indicates the date and time when the record was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the record.
  • Links
  • Title: Party ID
    The unique identifier of account, contact, or household to which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Party Number
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique alternate identifier of the account, contact, or household to which the classification category and classification code is associated. Inactive records can't be updated.
  • Title: Party Source System
    The name of the external source system of the account, contact, or household with which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Party Source System Reference Value
    The identifier from external source system for the account, contact, or household with which the classification category and classification code is associated.
  • Title: Party Type
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the type of the party, such as account, contact, or household.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicator to show if the current code is the primary classification code.
  • Title: Source System
    The name of external source system for the class category denoted by a code, which is defined by an administrator as part of system setup. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify a class category.
  • Title: Source System Reference Value
    The unique identifier for the class category from the external source. SourceSystem and SourceSystemReference combination is unique and is used as the foreign key to identify a class category.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date on which the classification becomes valid.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    Indicates if the code assignment is active or inactive, such as A for active and I for inactive.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-Note-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Contact Relationship ID
    The relationship ID populated when the note is associated with a contact.
  • Title: Corporate Currency Code
    Maximum Length: 15
    The corporate currency associated with the note.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the record.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the record was created.
  • Title: Creator Party ID
    The unique identifier of the creator party.
  • Title: Currency Conversion Rate Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The currency conversion rate type associated with the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance.
  • Title: Currency
    Maximum Length: 15
    The currency code related to the note. This attribute is used by CRM Extensibility framework. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY. Review and update the profile option using the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  • Title: Delete Indicator
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the user has access to delete the record.
  • Title: Primary Email
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 320
    The email address of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Primary Address
    Read Only: true
    The address of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Primary Phone
    Read Only: true
    The phone number of the user who created the note.
  • Title: Last Update Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the record was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the record.
  • Links
  • Title: Note ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the note.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The system generated or can come from external system (user key).
  • Title: Title
    Maximum Length: 500
    The user provided title for the note.
  • Title: Note
    The column that stores the actual text of the note.
  • Title: Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The note type code for categorization of note.
  • Title: Parent Note ID
    The unique identifier of the parent note.
  • Title: Party ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Author
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the party.
  • Title: Related Object Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The source_object_code for the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.
  • Title: Related Object
    Maximum Length: 64
    The source_object_Uid for the source object (such as Activities, Opportunities etc.) as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.
  • Title: Update Indicator
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether the user has access to update the record.
  • Title: Private
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: INTERNAL
    The attribute to specify the visibility level of the note.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-Relationship-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Backward Role
    Read Only: true
    The backward relationship code used to describe relationships. For example, SUPPLIER_OF.
  • Title: Comments
    Maximum Length: 2000
    The user comments for this relationship.
  • Default Value: 0
    The unique identifier of the conflict.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the record.
  • Title: Created by Application
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: HZ_WS
    The application module that created the record. It is defaulted to value HZ_WS for all web service based creation. A list of valid certification level codes is defined in the lookup HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULES. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Trading Community Common Lookups.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the record was created.
  • Title: Dependent Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether one party is a dependent on another.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The record validated by DIRECTION_CODE lookup type. P for Parent, C for Child, and N for Not Directional.
  • Title: To Date
    The date when the relationship ends.
  • Title: Head of Household Indicator
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether a person is the head of the household that he belongs to.
  • Title: Influence Level
    The sales contact's influence in a buying relationship. Sample values are Inner Circle, Political structure, None.
  • Maximum Length: 100
    The definition of the job name.
  • Maximum Length: 900
    The definition of the job package.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the record was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Last Update Login
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 32
    The login of the user who last updated the contact record.
  • Links
  • The primary key identifier of the object in this relationship. Either one of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Title: Object Party Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the object party of the relationship.
  • Title: Object Registry ID
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique identification number for the object party of the relationship. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Title: Object Source System
    The name of external source system for the object party in the relationship, which are defined by an admin as part of system setup. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Object Source System Reference
    The identifier for the object party in the relationship from external source system. One of ObjectPartyId, ObjectPartyNumber, and a combination of ObjectSourceSystem and ObjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the object party of the relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The source table name of the object party in this relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The object type of the contact.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The usage code of object party in the relationship.
  • The number used to implement locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to determine whether another session has updated the row.
  • Read Only: true
    The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was last queried.
  • Read Only: true
    The attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was last queried.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the party.
  • Read Only: true
    The alternate unique identifier of the party.
  • Title: Ownership Percentage
    The percentage of the child entity owned by the parent entity.
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether this contact person is primary contact for the customer. Accepted values are Y and N. Default value is N.
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether this customer is primary customer for the contact. Accepted values are Y and N. Default value is N.
  • Title: Relationship Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates whether this is a forward or a backward relationship code. A list of valid relationship codes is defined in the lookup PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Relationship Lookups.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the relationship.
  • The unique identifier of the relationship record.
  • The name of external source system for the relationship, which is defined by an admin as part of the system setup.
  • The identifier for the relationship with the external source system.
  • Title: Relationship Type
    Maximum Length: 30
    The relationship type name. For example, CUSTOMER_SUPPLIER. A list of valid relationship types is defined in the lookup HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance task, Manage Relationship Lookups.
  • The unique identifier of the request.
  • Title: Role
    The role between the subject and object party.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    Default Value: HZ_PARTIES
    The name of the table that holds the record data and is referenced to manage source system reference.
  • Title: From Date
    The date when the relationship was established. Defaulted to the system date.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: A
    Indicates whether this is an active or inactive relationship. A for active, I for inactive. This is an internal column and you are not expected to pass in a value. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup HZ_STATUS. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The primary key identifier of the subject in this relationship. Either one of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Title: Subject Party Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The name of the subject party.
  • Title: Subject Registry ID
    Maximum Length: 30
    The alternate key identifier for the subject party of the relationship. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Title: Subject Source System
    The name of external source system for the subject party in the relationship, which are defined by an admin as part of system setup. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship. The value for this attribute should be predefined in the lookup type HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_VL using the setup task Manage Trading Community Source Systems.
  • Title: Subject Source System Reference
    The identifier for the subject party in the relationship from external source system. One of SubjectPartyId, SubjectPartyNumber, and a combination of SubjectSourceSystem and SubjectSourceSystemReferenceValue, is used to identify the subject party of the relationship.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The source table of the subject.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The subject type of the contact.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The usage code of subject party in the contact.
Nested Schema : hubPersons-SourceSystemReference-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : hubPersons-UsageAssignment-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to create a person by submitting a POST request on the REST resource.

cURL Command

curl -u <username:password> \
 -X POST  \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/'  | json_pp

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the contents of the request body in JSON format.

    "SourceSystem": "DNB",
    "SourceSystemReferenceValue": "DNB-Child1",
    "PartyUsageCode": "PARTY_OF_INTEREST",
    "FirstName": "Check",
    "LastName": "Child",
    "EmailAddress": "",
    "Address1": "200 Oracle Parkway",
    "City": "Redwood City",
    "Country": "US",
    "AdditionalName": [
             "NameType": "LOCAL",
             "Name": "Addl Name5",
             "SourceSystem": "PSFT",
             "SourceSystemReferenceValue": "Child_Name_3"
    "AdditionalIdentifier": [
            "IssuingAuthorityName": "Government",
            "PartyIdentifierType" : "ID_NUMBER",
            "PartyIdentifierValue" : "smith12"
    "Address" : [
            "Address1": "100 Oracle Parkway",
            "City": "Rail Road Flat",
            "Country": "US",
            "State": "CA",
            "PostalCode": "95248"
            "DatatypeCode" : "FILE",
            "FileName" : "testOrg1",
            "ContactPointType": "EMAIL",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "DoContactPreferenceFlag": "true"
        "ContactPointType": "PHONE",
        "RawPhoneNumber": "+1345345452",
        "DoNotContactPreferenceFlag": "true"
        "SourceSystem": "CSV",
        "SourceSystemReferenceValue": "CSV_00400"
            "NoteTypeCode": "GENERAL",
            "NoteTitle": "Note Title Created",
            "NoteTxt": "VGVzdCBjb250ZW50IGNyZWF0ZWQgMTIz"
            "SubjectPartyNumber": "CONTACT-1033",
            "RelationshipType": "CONTACT",
            "RelationshipCode": "CONTACT_OF"
    "SourceSystemReference" : [
            "SourceSystem" : "SAP",
            "SourceSystemReferenceValue" : "SAP_12",
            "Status" : "A",
            "StartDate" : "2019-01-01",
            "EndDate" : "2030-01-01"

Example of Response Body

The following shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.
    "PartyId": 300100561327474,
    "PartyNumber": "CDRM_954850",
    "PersonName": "Check Child",
    "UniqueNameSuffix": "(Redwood City, US)",
    "Status": "A",
    "CreatedByModule": "ORA_ZCH_WS",
    "CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
    "CreationDate": "2022-09-20T09:43:44.002+00:00",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2022-09-20T09:44:26.452+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
    "ThirdPartyFlag": null,
    "ValidatedFlag": null,
    "AcademicTitle": null,
    "CertificationLevel": null,
    "CertificationReasonCode": null,
    "Comments": null,
    "ContactRole": null,
    "CorpCurrencyCode": "USD",
    "CurcyConvRateType": "Corporate",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "DataCloudStatus": null,
    "DateOfBirth": null,
    "DateOfDeath": null,
    "DeceasedFlag": false,
    "DeclaredEthnicity": null,
    "Department": null,
    "DepartmentCode": null,
    "DoNotCallFlag": false,
    "DoNotContactFlag": false,
    "DoNotEmailFlag": false,
    "DoNotMailFlag": false,
    "FirstName": "Check",
    "Gender": null,
    "HeadOfHouseholdFlag": false,
    "HouseholdIncomeAmount": null,
    "HouseholdSize": null,
    "Initials": null,
    "TaxpayerIdentificationNumber": null,
    "JobTitle": null,
    "JobTitleCode": null,
    "LastContactDate": null,
    "LastEnrichmentDate": null,
    "LastName": "Child",
    "LastNamePrefix": null,
    "MaritalStatus": null,
    "MaritalStatusEffectiveDate": null,
    "MiddleName": null,
    "NameSuffix": null,
    "PersonalIncomeAmount": null,
    "Title": null,
    "PlaceOfBirth": null,
    "PreviousLastName": null,
    "PreferredContactMethod": null,
    "PreferredFunctionalCurrency": null,
    "RegistrationStatus": null,
    "RentOrOwnIndicator": null,
    "SalesAffinityCode": null,
    "SalesBuyingRoleCode": null,
    "Salutation": null,
    "SalutoryIntroduction": null,
    "SecondLastName": null,
    "DataConfidenceScore": null,
    "LastScoreUpdateDate": null,
    "DuplicateIndicator": null,
    "CompletenessScore": null,
    "ValidityScore": null,
    "EnrichmentScore": null,
    "RecencyScore": null,
    "CleanlinessScore": null,
    "DuplicateScore": null,
    "TimezoneCode": null,
    "OrganizationPartyId": null,
    "AddressElementAttribute1": null,
    "AddressElementAttribute2": null,
    "AddressElementAttribute3": null,
    "AddressElementAttribute4": null,
    "AddressElementAttribute5": null,
    "Address1": "200 Oracle Parkway",
    "Address2": null,
    "Address3": null,
    "Address4": null,
    "AddressLinesPhonetic": null,
    "Building": null,
    "City": "Redwood City",
    "Country": "US",
    "County": null,
    "FloorNumber": null,
    "PostalCode": null,
    "PostalPlus4Code": null,
    "Province": null,
    "State": null,
    "AddressNumber": "CDRM_866693",
    "Mailstop": null,
    "SourceSystem": "DNB",
    "SourceSystemReferenceValue": "DNB-Child1",
    "AddressType": null,
    "PartyUsageCode": "PARTY_OF_INTEREST",
    "RawHomePhoneNumber": null,
    "HomePhoneVerificationStatus": null,
    "HomePhoneVerificationDate": null,
    "RawMobilePhoneNumber": null,
    "MobilePhoneVerificationStatus": null,
    "MobilePhoneVerificationDate": null,
    "RawWorkPhoneNumber": null,
    "WorkPhoneVerificationStatus": null,
    "WorkPhoneVerificationDate": null,
    "EmailAddress": "",
    "EmailVerificationStatus": null,
    "EmailVerificationDate": null,
    "OrganizationPartyNumber": null,
    "OrganizationPartyName": null,
    "OrganizationSourceSystem": null,
    "OrganizationSourceSystemReferenceValue": null,
    "PersonDEO_OPACustomTestParent_OPACOContact_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_OPACustomTestParent_OPACOContact_Id_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_CustomText_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_CustomNumber_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_CustomDate_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_CustomDatetime_c": null,
    "PersonDEO_CustomFlag_c": false,
    "SourceSystemReference": [
            "SourceSystemReferenceId": 300100561327494,
            "PartyId": 300100561327474,
            "PartyNumber": "CDRM_954850",
            "PartySourceSystem": "DNB",
            "PartySourceSystemReferenceValue": "DNB-Child1",
            "SourceSystem": "SAP",
            "SourceSystemReferenceValue": "SAP_12",
            "Status": "A",
            "StartDate": "2019-01-01",
            "EndDate": "2030-01-01",
            "CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
            "CreatedByModule": "HZ_WS",
            "CreationDate": "2022-09-20T09:43:56.684+00:00",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2022-09-20T09:44:13.185+00:00",
            "LastUpdateLogin": "E7E592B5AE361EADE0531C5CF00A2E6F",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
            "ObjectVersionNumber": 1,
            "ConflictId": 0,
            "links": [
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "",
                    "name": "SourceSystemReference",
                    "kind": "item",
                    "properties": {
                        "changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
                    "rel": "canonical",
                    "href": "",
                    "name": "SourceSystemReference",
                    "kind": "item"
                    "rel": "parent",
                    "href": "",
                    "name": "hubPersons",
                    "kind": "item"
    "AdditionalIdentifier": [
            "PartyIdentifierId": 300100561327481,
            "PartyId": 300100561327474,
            "PartyNumber": "CDRM_954850",
            "PartySourceSystem": "DNB",
            "PartySourceSystemReferenceValue": "DNB-Child1",
            "Description": null,
            "PartyIdentifierType": "ID_NUMBER",
            "PartyIdentifierValue": "smith12",
            "IssueDate": null,
            "ExpirationDate": null,
            "IssuingAuthorityPartyId": null,
            "IssuingAuthorityName": "Government",
            "Country": null,
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When creating a new hub person, you must assign only party usage codes that support unconditional assignment. You can get the list of party usages that support unconditional assignment from the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Party Usages task.
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