Choosing the Right Subject Area for Your Analytics

We provide a wide variety of subject areas to provide insight on a lot of different business activities. So how do you know which subject area is right for you?

The questions in the subject area guide provide a starting point for you in terms of what information this subject area provides. Do any of these questions reflect what insights you're looking for on a particular area of your business? Maybe they come close, but not exactly what you're looking for.

Image of subject area book focus on pipeline.

If you click on one of the business questions you're taken to a page that details the roles that have access to the data that supports analytics around that question.

Subject area roles

Here are some more examples of subject areas and the business questions they can answer.

Subject Area Name

Example Business Questions

Sales - CRM Pipeline

  • Are my sales representatives moving their opportunities fast enough.

  • How is each member on my team performing on deal size, account coverage, and win rate?

  • Is my team converting leads to opportunities fast enough?

  • What are the most likely reasons that we lose against our key competitors?

  • What are the top 10 open opportunities?

Sales - CRM Forecasting

  • What are my forecasts and closed revenues for this quarter?

  • Are revenues closed in time for their forecast figures?

  • Does the forecast versus pipeline show a healthy picture?

  • What were my forecast revenues for the same period last year?

Sales - CRM Sales Activity

  • Is there any work load balancing issues on my team?

  • I want to rebalance my team workloads. Based on upcoming activity levels what are my resource levels?

  • Are there accounts that are being heavily pursued?

  • How can I identify neglected but strategic accounts?