Localize Catalog Captions

As an administrator, you can localize the names of reporting objects, or captions, that users create in the catalog. For example, you might localize the names of dashboards and analyses into Spanish and French.

To localize object names in the catalog, export the captions from the catalog, localize them, and upload back to the catalog.

  1. Export the default captions to an XML file.

  2. Localize the downloaded XML file.

  3. Upload the localized XML file.

After translated caption XML is uploaded, the new strings take effect once the cache refreshes. Translated strings are protected during an upgrade.

Export Captions from the Catalog

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Click Export Captions.

  3. Click Browse and select the folder you want to localize in the catalog, then click OK.

  4. Save the XML file.

Localize Your Captions

Translate the XML file into one or more languages.

Upload Localized Captions to the Catalog

After you have localized captions, upload the translated XML files, one for each language.

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Click Import Captions.

  3. Click Browse and select the localized XML file, then click OK.

  4. Use the Select Language option to select the language to which you have localized, then click OK.

  5. Save the XML file.

To download, review, or delete imported captions files, use the Manage Captions option.