Scheduled Processes for Analytics

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS) comes built into your application. ESS manages scheduled processes for the imports and updates for information used in your analytics.

Scheduled ESS Processes for Analytic Data

Subject Area / Dimension

Process Name


Common dimension

Time / Calendar dimension

Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI

Run the job when the CRM Calendar (profile ZCA_COMMON_CALENDAR) is changed or updated.

Common dimension

Product dimension

Refresh Denormalized Product Dimension Table for BI

It is normally not necessary to run this job as the denormalized product dimension table is updated as the Sales Catalog changes are published. Run this job If you don't see the sales catalog changes reflected in BI.

Common dimension

Classification Hierarchy

Classification Hierarchy Generation

Classification Hierarchy ESS Jobs are not submitted automatically but most of the times, users are not required submit these ESS jobs manually. Classification hierarchies will be flattened automatically when they are created or modified and the ESS job is available for cases when there are issues with the flattened data.

FSM Task Name: Run Classification Hierarchy Generation ESS Job Name: Classification Hierarchy Generation ESS Job Description: Flatten Classification Hierarchy Rows and Columns.

Common dimension

Customer Hierarchy

Party Hierarchy Generation

Customer Hierarchy ESS Jobs are not submitted automatically but most of the time user are not required submit these ESS jobs manually. Customer Hierarchy is flattened automatically when they are created or modified and the ESS job is available for cases when there are issues with the flattened data.

FSM Task Name: Run Trading Community Party Hierarchy Generation ESS Job Name: Party Hierarchy Generation ESS Job Description: Flatten Party Hierarchy Rows and Columns.

Common dimension (Sales Geography Zone)

Sales Zone Hierarchy


Resource and geography jobs are submitted automatically, are not BI specific, and users are not required to submit any jobs manually.

Common dimension

Resource Hierarchy

Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Generates the resource reporting hierarchy for a given sales or marketing organization hierarchy. Updates the reporting hierarchy when changes occur in the organization hierarchy. Resource jobs are submitted automatically, are not BI specific, and users are not required to submit any jobs manually.

Sales -Forecasting

Forecast Header

Refresh Forecast

Prepares Forecast Headers with the latest Territory, Product hierarchies, and also makes a copy of Revenues for the Forecast Header.

Sales - Forecasting

Historical Forecast Facts

Generate Forecast Metrics

Generates pre-computed metrics into the Metrics table. This data is used in the Historical Forecast Subject Area.

Sales -Forecasting

Historical Forecast Facts

Compress Forecast Metrics

Updates transactional deltas in the Transactional Metrics table into the Metrics table. The combination of Metrics table and Transactional Metrics table provide real time metrics for Active Forecasts. This data is used in the Historical Forecast Subject Area to display real time metrics for Active Forecasts.

Sales - Historical Pipeline

Historical Revenue Facts

Generate Sales Historical Snapshots

Captures a daily snapshot of opportunity and revenue data.

User System Usage Sales - CRM Resource System Usage

Fact - CRM - Resource Session Activity

Refresh BI Reports Audit Data for User Adoption Reporting

Summarizes and aggregates data used for user adoption reporting. Profile option FND_TRACK_USER_ACTIVITY must be set to "ENABLED".

This process has 2 parameters:

  • Full load (Y/N)

  • Purge after (months)

Sales - CRM Object Activity

Fact - Object Activity

Refresh BI Reports Audit Data for User Adoption Reporting

Summarizes and aggregates data used for user adoption reporting.

CRM - CRM Click History

Fact - # of Clicks

Fact - Average Clicks Render Time

Fact - Average Click Total Time

Process Click History Mapping Data

Click History Data Purge Process

User Analytics Click Mapping Translation

Process Click History Mapping Data adds additional detail on clicks to the data set. Runs automatically and is not configurable.

Click History Data Purge Process aggregates the click data for reporting. This job runs daily automatically. Users can schedule as needed.

User Analytics Click Mapping Translation adds international content to the database. Users should run this ESS job once when first accessing the data and then whenever new languages are enabled.

Although ESS scheduled processes run in the background automatically for all roles, not all roles can manage scheduling details. For Click History scheduling, the Sales Administrator, Sales VP, and Sales Manager roles come enabled to access the Click History Purge Process and User Analytics Click Mapping Translation ESS jobs. Any custom roles need to assign the Populate Click Description Process privilege to their role. Note that for setup or when you enable a new language you need to run the User Analytics Click Mapping Translation job once.