Classification Parameters

Settings on the Manage Parameters page of the Setup and Maintenance work area affect if and when the classification process runs. If you choose not to enable classification, then incentive processing assumes that the source transactions include credit categories.

Here's a list of the classification parameters:

  • Enable Classification

  • When to Classify Transactions

  • Collect Cancellations as Zero

Create and manage the classification rule hierarchy and rules in the Compensation Plans work area.

When to Classify Transactions

If you enable classification, then you further specify when to run the process, by selecting from these options:

  • After crediting and rollup and before calculation

    Choose this option if you use any values from the crediting process for classification. Classifying after the crediting process runs gives you more flexibility in differentiating the credit category for the credit receiver's transactions. Use this option if you import credit transactions and want to classify them.

  • After collection and before crediting

    Choose this option if the crediting process uses values from the classification.

    Tip: You may find it useful to include the identified category in your credit rules to help identify credit assignments.

After you set this parameter in a production application, we recommend that you don't change it. Each process looks for specific status values to determine which transactions to include. If you do change the parameter value, then run all related processes again for all of the currently open periods with transactions that are unprocessed or in process.