Considerations for Adding Rate Tables to Plan Components

Add a rate table to one or more plan components if the earning expression of the incentive formula uses the rate table result.

Use the Add Rate Table step on the Create and Edit Plan Component pages in the Compensation Plans work area.

Rules and Restrictions

Keep in mind these rules and restrictions about adding rate tables to plan components:

  • Ensure that the number of rate dimensions and number of rate dimension types for each calculation sequence are the same.

  • Add multiple rate tables to a plan component as long as the dates don't overlap.

    For example, a plan component uses two rate tables:

    • The first rate table in one quarter

    • A different rate table in the next quarter

  • After you add the rate table to a plan component, use the split attainment across tiers options to specify how to apply splits for a single dimension.

    For more details about splitting attainment, see the Options for Splitting Input Numbers Across Rate Tiers topic.

  • When you add a rate table to a plan component, you must provide an input expression.

    For the plan component to be valid, the number of input expressions must equal the number of rate table dimensions. There's a 1:1 ratio between input expressions and rate dimensions.

  • For the incentive earning expression, include the Rate Table Result attribute so that the earning calculation uses the rates from the added rate table.

  • To view the rendered expression, hover over the expression name.

  • You can't delete the rate table, edit the type, or add or delete rate dimension associations after adding the rate table to one or more plan components.