Create a Payment Batch

The compensation manager creates a payment batch for participants in a pay group. The payment process will generate paysheets from the earnings table.

The paysheets are a snapshot of the earnings table. They're not correct if a new calculation is done. Use the Refresh Paysheets action in the Manage Payment Batches UI or the Edit Paysheet UI to update the paysheets with the new calculations or adjustments. Or you can run the Refresh Paysheets process.

  1. In the Payments work area, Select the Manage Payment Batches task.
  2. In the Search Results region, click Create.
  3. Name the batch.
  4. Select the paygroup to pay. Paysheets will be generated for the participants in that pay group.
  5. Select the pay period.
  6. Choose the pay date.
  7. You can filter the the plan components to include in your batch with your choice in the Earnings Calculated field:Choose whether you want to calculate on commission or bonus earnings, or all earnings.
    • Commission: This matches with per event in the Calculate Incentive field in the plan component.
    • Bonus: This matches with per interval in the Calculate Incentive field in the plan component.
    • All: This matches both per interval and per event in the Calculate eIncentive field in the plan component.
  8. You can filter the the plan components to include in your batch with your choice in the Incentive Type field. The choice matches exactly with the Incentive Type field in the plan component.
    • Bonus
    • Standard
    • Commission
  9. Choose whether to include all participants for the pay group in the batch, or to select participants.
  10. If you didn't choose all participants, search and select participants to add include in your batch.
  11. Save and close or save and create another batch.