Guidelines for Rate Dimensions

Rate dimensions define the nature of the tiers that you use in a rate table. Tiers contain the from and to values that compose the ranges from which the calculation process calculates incentive compensation within a rate table.

Here are some guidelines for creating dimensions for rate tables:

  • A dimension must have at least one tier for use in a rate table, and can have as many as you require.

  • If you base a rate on multiple criteria, then you can create a multidimensional rate table to reflect all criteria using one dimension per criterion.

Rate Dimension Types

Four types of rate dimensions indicate the nature of tier values. The tier values compose the ranges the calculation process computes compensation from using the rate table rate. These are the rate dimension types.

Rate Dimension Type



The rate tiers are amounts, such as credit amount or credit quantity.


The rate tiers are percentages, such as quota attainment.


The rate dimensions reference calculation expressions. Use them to create more complex rate tiers.

Example: Create a calculation expression rather than a static set of rate percentage tiers such as:

  • 0 to 25

  • 25 to 50

  • And so on

Configure the expression rate dimension as:

  • 10 percent * Quota

  • 25 percent * Quota

  • And so on


The rate tiers are alphanumeric, such as product codes or the state codes. 30 character limit.

Strings aren't validated using UPPER, so you can have values that include both a and A.

If the type is amount or percent, then the minimum value of the current tier must equal the maximum value of the previous tier. To avoid calculation errors, follow these tips:

  • Start the first tier with zero, even if the expected input value can be greater than zero.

  • End the last tier with an excessively high number, such as 9999999.

If the type is String and there is no exact match, then a calculation error results. Be sure to define tiers for all of the possible values.