How Role is Used in Direct Credit, Rollup, and Team Rules

When the crediting or rollup process finds the winning rule and assigns credits, it populates the credit records with the role ID of the role chosen in the rules. You can then use this role ID in expressions for further processing.

In this example, the participant John Gorman is assigned to two different roles. The two roles are assigned to two different compensation plans for the same duration and the same component.

Compensation Plan

Role Name

Start Date

End Date

Compensation Plan A

Role A

January 1

December 31

Compensation Plan B

Role B

January 1

December 31

Participant John Gorman is assigned to two roles.

Role Name

Role Start Date

Role End Date

Role A

January 1

March 31

Role B

January 1


These plans are assigned to John Gorman by role.

Compensation Plan

Role Name

Effective Start Date

Effective End Date

Compensation Plan A

Role A

January 1

March 31

Compensation Plan B

Role B

January 1

December 31

The direct credit rule 15 has these credit receivers:


Participant Name


Split Percent

Revenue Type

Effective Start Date

Effective End Date


John Gorman

Role A



January 1

March 31


John Gorman

Role B



January 1

December 31

If the same plan component or measure exists in both plans, John Gorman can receive credit twice for the same transaction: once for role A and once for role B. To prevent this, the expression needs to filter on Role ID. In this example you create a user-defined query to get the role ID. Then create an expression that credits only the role that matches the role of the credit and disregards other roles. In this example, you create the user-defined query named GET_ROLEID and the expression:

SUM ( DECODE ( NVL ( GET_ROLEID (Participant.Participant Plan ID ) , 0 ) , Credit.RoleID , Credit.Credit Amount , 0 ) )
  1. Create the value set:

    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Incentive Value Sets task:

      • Offering: Sales

      • Functional Area: Incentives

    2. Click Create.

    3. In the Create Value Set page, enter or select these fields:



      Value Set Code



      Get the ROLE_ID based on compensation plan assignment SRP_COMP_PLAN_ID


      Incentive Compensation

      Validation Type


      Value Data Type


      FROM Clause


      Value Column Name


      WHERE Clause

       srp.srp_comp_plan_id = :1 /* NUMBER */
       and srp.srp_rule_id = pr.participant_role_id
  2. Add your new value set to the table value sets list you can select while you build an expression.

    1. Go to the Manage Incentive Lookups task.

    2. Search for the lookup type ORA_CN_USR_DEFN_EXPRSN_VLE_SET.

    3. In the Lookup Codes region click New.

    4. Enter the value set as a lookup code GET_ROLEID.

  3. Enable ROLE_ID to be used in your expression.

    1. Go to the Configure Tables and Columns task.

    2. Use the query by example under View to search for the table CN_SRP_PER_FORM_METRICS_ALL.

    3. Use Query by Example to search for the column SRP_COMP_PLAN_ID.

    4. Enter the user name Participant Plan ID.

    5. Select Enable for Calculation.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Search for the table CN_TP_CREDITS_ALL.

    8. Search for the column ROLE_ID.

    9. Enter the user name RoleID

    10. Select Enable for Calculation.

  4. Create the expression.

    1. Navigate to Incentive Compensation > Compensation Plans > Manage Expressions.

    2. Click Create.

    3. Name the expression Demo Sum Role Credit.

    4. Create the expression:

      SUM ( DECODE ( NVL ( GET_ROLEID (Participant.Participant Plan ID ) , 0 ) , Credit.RoleID , Credit.Credit Amount , 0 ) )
  5. Set the performance measure's measure formula to Demo Sum Role Credit.

The user-defined query GET_ROLEID will return the ROLE_ID associated to the compensation plan. If the ROLE_ID matches the ROLE_ID on the credited transaction, then return the Credit Amount otherwise the output is zero.