How You Manage Disputes

Participants, their managers, compensation analysts, and compensation managers can create, track, and resolve disputes as part of incentive compensation processing.

This dispute management includes automated notifications for all involved parties. Work with all your notifications in your Worklist. Click the Notifications icon at the top of your screen, click the Show All button, and then click the Worklist button.

This topic explains the processing, status values, and notifications associated with these dispute actions:

  • Create

  • Reassign and delegate

  • Request more information

  • Update information

  • Approve and reject

  • Escalate

  • Withdraw

Dispute processing uses the delivered DisputeNotificationTask approval workflow and the Human Capital Management (HCM) supervisor hierarchy. The My Group selection in your worklist doesn't apply to working with disputes. Use the Manage Task Configurations for Incentive Compensation task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Sales Foundation functional area, to edit the workflow configuration. The HCM supervisor hierarchy is created as part of the initial application implementation.


In the Sales Compensation work area, open the Disputes tab and click the Create Dispute button. Complete the required fields as well as all fields relevant to expedite the resolution of your dispute.

After you submit the new dispute, the submit process runs:

  • It creates the dispute record and sets the task outcome to New.

  • It assigns the dispute to the analyst associated with the dispute participant using the delivered DisputeNotificationTask approval workflow.

    • If a compensation analyst or manager creates the dispute, then the dispute process automatically assigns the dispute to that person, the initiator.

  • It sets the status to Assigned when the approval workflow finds the analyst associated with the dispute participant. Otherwise, it sets the status to New.

  • It sends an actionable notification to the compensation analyst of the new dispute.

  • It also sends an informational notification to the dispute participant.

Reassign and Delegate

Analysts can reassign one or more of their disputes to other analysts to balance the workload.

The process does the following:

  • Assigns the dispute to the newly selected analyst

  • Sets the status to Assigned

  • Sends an actionable notification to the newly assigned analyst

Request More Information

The compensation manager or analyst requests more information from the participant, participant's manager, Sales Operations team, or any incentive compensation user.

The dispute process does the following:

  • Sets the status to Information requested

  • Sends an actionable notification to the identified user

Update Information

When the participant, participant's manager, or Sales Operations user updates the dispute with the requested information, the dispute process does the following:

  • Sets the status to Assigned

  • Sends an actionable notification to the user who requested the additional information

Approve and Reject

The compensation analyst views the details of the dispute. If no further information is required, then the analyst approves or rejects the dispute.

The dispute process does the following:

  • Sets the task outcome and status values to either Approved or Rejected

  • Sends an informational notification to the dispute initiator, which can be the participant, the participant's manager, or the analyst


When the resolution wasn't as expected, the analyst can escalate the dispute, even a dispute that was closed.

The dispute process does the following:

  • Sets the status to Escalated

  • Sends actionable notifications to the analyst assigned to the dispute as well as all of the users with the Incentive Compensation Manager job role

  • Sends an informational notification to the participant's manager, if the participant is the one escalating the dispute


The dispute creator can withdraw the dispute before it's approved or rejected. The process sets the status to Withdrawn.