Import Incentive Plans in Bulk Using Import Management

Using Import Management, you can create, update, or delete plans by importing .csv files with data in the specified format.

Create the Source CSV File

There are 3 objects available for importing plans.

  • • The Compensation Plan object is used to import the primary information of the plan like name, description, start date, end date. This is the parent object. Export this object to get the Compensation Plan ID which is needed for child objects.
  • • The Compensation Plan Flex object is used to import any flexfield information for a plan. This is a child to the compensation plan object. It needs the plan unique identifier for a successful import,
  • • The Compensation Plan Component object is used to import any plan components assigned to a compensation plan. This is a child to the Compensation Plan object. It needs the Compensation Plan unique identifier and Plan Component unique identifier for a successful import, which can both be obtained using exports

You can download the templates by going to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects. Select the object you want to download the template for and click Download. Edit the downloaded file and provide valid values for the required attributes.

Create the Import Activity

After entering data in the .csv files, import the data using Create Import Activity under Import Management by going to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Create Import Activity. You can either create a mapping before you import the files or use automatic mapping if the column headers in the template you downloaded are unchanged. Refer to the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.