Logical Operations Best Practices and Quick Reference

You can include logical operations when you build expressions. Here are best practices and a quick reference table of available logical operations.

Best Practices

Follow these best practices when you use logical operations in expressions.

  • Calculated dates may include the entire time stamp and calculated numbers may return a number with decimals. For a calculated number, use the ROUND function, and for calculated dates use TRUNC when appropriate.

  • While comparing strings, ensure their case matches to prevent incorrect responses. Use the UPPER or LOWER function as needed.

  • To avoid possible null values use the NVL function.

  • Usage of all Logical operations (which only have a Boolean output) is restricted to within the input condition of the CHOICE statement. This includes IS_GREATER, IS_LESS, IS_EQUAL, IS_NULL, NOT, IS_IN, IS_BETWEEN, AND, OR, and IS_LIKE.

  • Strings are compared in lexical orders when used in comparison functions. Use them appropriately.

  • While comparing multiple inputs, match the types. Use TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR or TO_DATE functions as needed.

Quick Reference

This table lists the syntax, inputs, return data type, and examples for logical operations.



Return Data Type


CHOICE (Condition 1*, Value 1*, Condition 2, Value 2, ...Condition n, Value n, Value Z*)

  1. Condition 1*: Boolean

  2. Value 1*: String or date or number

  3. Condition 2 ...n: Boolean

  4. Values 2 ...n: String or date or number

  5. Value Z*: String or date or number

String, Number or Date (Same as Value)

  1. CHOICE (IS_GREATER (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target), Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target)

  2. CHOICE (IS_GREATER (Credit.Credit Amount, 1000), 1, IS_EQUAL (Credit.Credit Amount, TO_NUMBER(Measure result.All Product Sales.ITD Output Achieved)), 2, 3)

IS_EQUAL (Value 1*, Value 2*)

  1. Value 1*: String or date or number

  2. Value 2*: String or date or number


  1. IS_EQUAL (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers')2. IS_EQUAL (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target)

  2. IS_EQUAL (TO_DATE('1-Dec-2017'), TO_DATE('2-Dec-2017'))

IS_NULL (Value*)

Value*: String or date or number or Boolean


IS_NULL (Credit Category Name (12313331333)

IS_GREATER (Value 1*, Value 2*)

  1. Value 1*: Date or number

  2. Value 2*: Date or number


  1. IS_GREATER (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target)

  2. IS_GREATER (TO_DATE('11-Dec-2017'), TO_DATE('2-Dec-2017'))

IS_LESS (Value 1*, Value 2*)

  1. Value 1*: Date or number

  2. Value 2*: Date or number


  1. IS_LESS (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target)

  2. IS_LESS (TO_DATE('11-Dec-2017'), TO_DATE('2-Dec-2017'))

IS_BETWEEN (Value to evaluate*, Minimum Value*, Maximum Value*)

  1. Value to evaluate*: Date or number

  2. Minimum Value*: Date or number

  3. Maximum Value*: Date or number


  1. IS_BETWEEN (Credit.Credit Amount, TO_NUMBER(Plan component result.Management Bonus.PTD Output Achieved), Measure.Target)

  2. IS_BETWEEN (TO_DATE('11-Dec-2017'), TO_DATE('2-Dec-2017'), TO_DATE('22-Dec-2017'))

AND (Condition 1*, Condition 2, ...Condition n)

  1. Condition 1*: Boolean

  2. Condition 2*: Boolean

  3. Condition 3 to n: Boolean


AND (IS_GREATER (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target), IS_EQUAL (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers'))

OR (Condition 1*, Condition 2, ...Condition n)

  1. Condition 1*: Boolean

  2. Condition 2*: Boolean

  3. Condition 3 to n: Boolean


OR (IS_GREATER (Credit.Credit Amount, Measure.Target), IS_EQUAL (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers'))

NOT (Condition*)

Condition*: Boolean


  1. NOT (IS_LESS (2000, TO_NUMBER (Measure result.All Product Sales.ITD Output Achieved))))

  2. NOT (IS_EQUAL (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers'))

IS_LIKE (Value 1*, Value 2*)

  1. Value 1*: String or number

  2. Value 2*: String or number


  1. IS_LIKE (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers')

  2. IS_LIKE (120, '12%')

  3. IS_LIKE (UPPER(Participant.Currency Code), 'U%')

IS_IN (Value*, In Value 1*, ...In Value n)

  1. Value*: String or date or number

  2. In Value 1*: String or date or number

  3. In Value 3 to n: String or date or number


  1. IS_IN (Credit Category Name (12313331333), 'Servers', 'Laptops', 'Desktops')

  2. IS_IN (Credit.Credit Amount, TO_NUMBER(Measure result.All Product Sales.ITD Output Achieved), Measure.Target, Measure.ITD Target)