Manage Explicit Plan Component and Performance Measure References in Predefined Function Expressions

Some delivered incentive compensation predefined functions reference a plan component or performance measure. Since you can't reference a plan component or measure that doesn't exist, creating or duplicating plan components or measures with formulas containing these predefined functions requires special handling.

Create Plan Components and Performance Measures that Include Predefined Functions

Here's how to create a plan component that uses one or both of the Prorated Plan Component Participation and the YTD Target Incentive functions:

  1. Add a placeholder expression for the incentive formula.

  2. Replace the placeholder incentive formula with the appropriate predefined function.

The same applies when you create a measure formula that uses one or more of the Previous Interval Attainment, Prorated Measure Participation, and Rolling Average Attainment functions. The two-step process is required because until you create the plan component or measure, you can't select it as part of adding the relevant input attributes.

Use these recommended names and expressions for each placeholder expression, so that you create valid objects and can quickly locate the placeholder for easy replacement.

Recommended Expression Name

Recommended Expression

PC Predefined Function Placeholder

Measure result.ITD Output Achieved

After selecting Measure result, you must select an existing performance measure and then ITD Output Achieved.

PM Predefined Function Placeholder

SUM(Credit.Credit Amount)

If you use either the measure result or the plan component result user-defined object, then you also choose an attribute. Here are a few definitions of terms in the attributes selection:

  • PTD is period to date. The period is defined in your calendar.

  • ITD is interval to date. An interval is defined with a number of periods, such as a quarter contains 3 periods which are months.

  • Input Achieved is the per event expression result which was the input to the rate table.

  • ITD Input Achieved is the per interval expression result used as an input to the rate table.

  • Output Achieved is the result of a measure or incentive formula expression for per event.

  • ITD Output Achieved is the result of a measure or incentive formula expression for per interval.

Duplicate Plans, Plan Components, and Performance Measures that Include Predefined Functions

When you duplicate plans, plan components, or measures that include any of these predefined functions, edit the expression to replace the original plan component or measure with the new object.

  • Previous Interval Attainment

  • Prorated Measure Participation

  • Prorated Plan Component Participation

  • Rolling Average Attainment

  • YTD Target Incentive