Process Results in the Error State

The Calculate Incentive Earnings process creates measure attainment records and earnings records for participants. If the process ends in an Error state, take these steps to resolve the error:

  1. In the Manage Scheduled Processes page, check the log file and correct any listed errors.

  2. Validate the parameters used to submit the process.

    • The process name is unique in a particular business unit.

    • You must have a from date and to date, and the from date must be earlier or equal to the to date.

    • The from date and to date must be in open periods. If a period isn't open, you can open it in Manage Periods.

    • If it's not an incremental calculation, then the valid values for the parameter Calculate For are All Participants and Specific Participants. For Specific Participants, the valid values for the parameter Select Participants By are Specific Participants, Participants in compensation plan, and Participants in pay group.

    • If it's Incremental Calculation, then the valid values for the parameter Calculate For are Participants in Notify Log and Specific Participants. For Specific Participants, the valid values for the parameter Select Participants By are Specific Participants, Participants in compensation plan, and Participants in pay group.

    • If you specify a value for the parameter Select Participants By, then make sure that at least one participant is selected. This can be verified in the Edit Calculation Process page.

  3. Make sure that all of the compensation plans associated to the participants are valid. Check the status of compensation plans in the Manage Compensation Plans page.

  4. In the Manage Scheduled Processes page, verify that the child workers Eligibility and Calculate are forked. If you can't see these workers, go to the Weblogic Server Administrator console and verify that ESS applications are up and running.

  5. Run the Calculate Incentive Earnings process again with valid parameters. Check earnings records in the Manage Earnings page.