About Page Layouts for Standard and Custom Objects

If you want to change the standard layout for an object for Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams, you can create a new page layout and configure it to suit your company's requirements.

There are three different types of page layouts that you can create:

  • List layout

  • Summary layout

  • Edit layout

Here are the basic configuration steps to make simple changes to Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams layout pages:

  1. In the Application Features pane, click the standard or custom object that you want to create a layout for.

  2. Select the relevant type of page layout, such as the List, Summary or Edit.

  3. In the Layouts pane, click the Click to Clone icon for the standard layout and enter a layout name.

  4. Click Ok.

  5. Change the fields that appear by clicking the relevant field and selecting a new field from the list.

  6. You can remove fields by clicking the field and then clicking the cross icon.

  7. To move a field, just drag it to the location where you want it to appear.

  8. Click Save in the top right-hand corner of the Microsoft Teams Composer page.

    Tip: Before saving, you can click the Preview tab to preview how the changes will display on Microsoft Teams.
  9. Test and publish your new page layouts. See the Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams topic for details about how to check your page layout configuration changes.

If you want to make more extensive changes to a page layout, familiarize yourself with the additional capabilities of the different types of page layout.

The List Page Layout

The List page layout displays a list of an object's records, with each record showing a set of fields that can be configured. Here are the points to note about configuring the List page layout:

  • You can change the fields, remove fields, and move fields using the steps in the Create Your Own Page Layout for a Feature Using Microsoft Teams Composer topic.

  • The list layout contains 3 sections, Title, Contextual and Detail. In the Contextual and Detail sections, you can add up to five fields. Click on add field to select a field for the object. Once a field is added, click add field again to select another field and the pane shows two fields and a separator. You can rearrange the fields on each row by clicking and holding the field to move it to a new position.

  • Roles and geographical regions can be assigned to List page layouts. These enable you to restrict who can view the page layout by their role and their geographical region. You can find more details about how to do this in the Define Criteria for a Feature's Page Layout topic.

Make sure that you click Save in the Microsoft Teams Composer tool page before creating another page layout.

Test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Configuration topic for details about how to check your configuration.

The Summary Page Layout

The Summary page layout displays an object's details. There are six sections to the Summary layout consisting of a top section that provides the object's contact information and top-level information of your choice, information sections, and child and actions related object sections.

The sections of the summary layout are as follows:

  • The top section is the Header section (fields are standard and you can't add additional fields to this section).

  • The Information Section consists of one or many Info1 sections, owner and primary contact (you can rearrange the sections as required).

  • Child object section (you can add child objects and rearrange child objects within the child objects section)

  • Actions section (this is always placed at the end and depends on the selected object). Some objects have actions and some don't. All action show up as buttons on the card.

Here are the points to note about configuring the top section:

  • You can change the fields, remove fields, and move fields using the steps in the Create Your Own Page Layout for a Feature topic.

  • You can't move the top section, because this section is designed to contain the top-level information for the object.

Here are some points to note about the information section:

  • Displays Info 1 section, Owner, and Primary contact sections. Note that not all objects has Owner and Primary Contact sections. For example, both Opportunity and Account objects have Primary Contact and Owner, the Contact object has Owner, and Service Request has Primary Contact.

  • You can add as many Info 1 sections as required and each Info 1 section shows up as its own section. The section is named Info1 section because you can add 1 field per row.

  • You can reorder any of the sections by using the blue up and down arrows.

  • You can add fields by clicking the + Add Field button at the bottom of each section. There's no limit as to the number of fields you can add.

  • You can add Info 1, Owner, and Primary contact sections by clicking the + Add Section button.

  • You can change the fields, remove fields, and move fields using the steps in the Create Your Own Page Layout for a Feature topic.

The section for adding child and related objects is at the bottom of the Summary page layout. Child objects such as notes, attachments, or in the case of the Opportunity object, products, and competitors are supported only for the Summary layout. If the object has other related objects, those can't be added to the summary card.

  • This section can't be moved, however you can add as many child and related objects as you require by clicking + Add Child.

  • When you add a child or related object, the child object section displays on the left pane of the summary card. Click the child object and the screen to modify the list view is displayed. Note that only the first two sections of the list card will be displayed on the summary card. The full list layout on the top level object's summary card isn't displayed. See the Child Object Page Layouts section of this topic for more information.

Other configuration options for the Summary page include:

  • Assign roles and geographical regions to Summary page layouts. These enable you to restrict who can view the page layout by their role and their geographical region. You can also define a set of conditions that have to be met before the page layout is displayed. For example, if you create criteria as follows: Win probability is Greater than 50%, then any opportunities with a win probability greater than 50% will use your layout. You can find more details about how to set these up in the Define Criteria for a Feature's Page Layout topic.

Make sure that you click Save in the configuration tool page before creating another page layout.

Test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Configuration topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.

The Edit Page Layout

When you create an object using Oracle Sales Assistant (OSA), the default action is that the assistant only prompts for values of required fields that have no default values. Here are the points to note about configuring the Edit page layout:

  • Edit page layouts is available for Task, Appointment, and Call Report objects only.

  • You can change the fields, remove fields, and move fields using the steps in the Create Your Own Page Layout for a Feature Using Microsoft Teams Composer topic of this chapter.

  • The order of the questions asked during the create is based on the order of the fields in the edit layout. To move a field, just drag it to the location where you want it to appear.

  • By default, when you create an object, the assistant only prompts for values of fields on the edit page layout that are required and have no defaults values. However, if you would like the assistant to prompt for additional fields that aren't mandatory, or mandatory and have a default, then you can select the fields in the "Prompted Fields on Assistant Create" section on the left hand side of the tool. Any fields selected in this section will always be prompted during conversational create if the field is part of the edit layout. The fields selected in this section applies to the predefined standard or custom layouts.

  • You can also assign roles and geographical regions. These enable you to restrict who can view the page layout by their role and their geographical region. You can also define a set of conditions that have to be met before the page layout is displayed. For example, if you create criteria as follows: Win probability is Greater than 50%, then any opportunities with a win probability greater than 50% will use your layout. You can find more details about how to set these up in the Define Criteria for a Feature's Page Layout topic.

Make sure that you click Save in the configuration tool page before creating another page layout.

Test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Configuration topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.

Child Object Page Layouts

You can only add child objects to the Summary page layouts, but you can also create page layouts for the child objects themselves.

Here are points to note when configuring page layouts for child objects:

  • Note and Attachments are special child objects that can't be extended or modified.

  • Only predefined child objects layouts are displayed under the Child object section.

  • When you add a child object to a parent object's page layout, the child object is added to the Children pane. To create a page layout for the child object, click the child object and clone the standard page layout, as you would for the parent object.

  • Configuring a child object page layout is the same as configuring a parent object's page layout, so you can follow the same steps you're already familiar with in this topic.

  • The template that's used for the list view for top level objects page layout is selected when you add the child object to a parent page. You can then further configure the List page when you select the child object and clone the standard page layout.

  • You can assign roles and geographical regions to child object page layouts. You can also assign criteria for displaying the list page layout. Child object layouts only supports list layouts for now and advanced criteria isn't supported for list layouts.

Ensure that you test and publish your new page layouts. See the Test Your Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams Configuration topic for details about how to check your configuration.