Can I include a prospect account in a sales territory?

Yes, you can include prospects as named accounts in sales territories.

Important: Make sure that the profile option Account Types Enabled for Assignment (ZCA_ASSIGNMENT_ACCT_TYPE_ENABLED) is enabled for prospects by setting the profile to ZCA_CUSTOMER,ZCA_PROSPECT.

To add prospects to territories, use the Territories tab in the Territories work area. The Sales Territories Hierarchy tab, where you set up territory hierarchies using proposals, limits how you can add them. Here are the details of what you can do in each tab.

Territories Tab

On the Territories tab, you can add any account of type prospect to a live territory.

Sales Territories Hierarchy Tab

On the Sales Territory Hierarchy tab, you can:

  • You can add prospect accounts only if they're child members of an account hierarchy for accounts of type customer.
  • View and delete prospect accounts. These include prospect accounts that you added on the Territories tab that aren't part of a hierarchy.