Configure Custom Rollups Using the Formula Fields

Use the formula fields instead of a regular field to create a custom attribute for rollups. Unlike regular fields, formula fields let you build a script with rules related to calculations.

Another advantage with formula fields is that you can show multiple values on a single field, which is suitable for rollup attributes.

Below are the high-level steps for using formula fields to show custom rollups:

  1. Create custom formula fields.
  2. Add the formula fields to the object page.
  3. Create custom rollups to populate the data of the formula fields.

Let’s apply these steps and create a couple of example rollups for the Account and Contact object pages.

Example Account Rollups Created Using Formula Fields

In this example, we'll create two account rollups using formula fields, and then we'll show them on the Account Profile page. Our example rollups are:
  • Total Open Opportunities
  • Total Revenue from Open Opportunities of an account and the child accounts in its hierarchy

Step 1: Create Custom Formula Fields

Create two new formula fields for Total Open Opportunities and Total Revenue from Open Opportunities. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Enter an active sandbox. From the Navigator, go to Configuration > Application Composer > Standard Objects > Account > Fields.
  2. On the Fields page, click Actions > Create.
  3. Select Formula and click OK.

    To learn more about the formula fields, read the Formula Fields topic in the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

  4. Create a formula field for Total Open Opportunities:
    1. On the Create Formula Field page, enter Total Open Opportunities for Display Label, and enter the same name, but without spaces, in the Name field.

    Here's a sample image of the Create Formula Field page:

    The screen shot shows creating a formula field for the custom account rollup, Total Open Opportunities.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Configure Expression page, enter an expression the engine should consider when calculating the field value. For example, use this expression to indicate that the engine must not calculate when the number of opportunities for an account is zero:

    Here's a sample image of the example expression:

    The screenshot shows the expression configured for the Total Open Opportunities formula field.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Create a formula field for the Total Open Opportunities Revenue rollup:
    1. Follow the procedures given in steps 2 and 3.
    2. On the Create Formula Field page, enter Total Open Opportunities Revenue for Display Label, and enter the same name, without spaces, in the Name field.
    3. For Display Type, select Multiline Text Area.

      The formula field appears as a multiline text area to display two rollup fields. In this example, the two rollup fields are SumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue and HierSumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue -- one for the account and another for its hierarchy.

      Here's a sample image of the Create Formula Field: Describe Field page:

      The screen shot shows creating the second formula field for Total Open Opportunities Revenue.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Configure Expression page, do this:
    1. In the expression for the formula field, create a variable to store the sum of opportunity revenues for an account. Create another variable to store the sum of opportunity revenues from an account hierarchy. In this example, the variables are thisAccountOptyRevn and hierAccountOptyRevn.
    2. Ensure that the expression evaluates whether the value of the opportunity revenue is zero. If it is zero, set the variable to null. Also, evaluate whether the value of the opportunity revenue from an account hierarchy is zero. If it's zero, don’t display the account hierarchy rollup.
    3. To write the expression, select the field from the list corresponding to the Rollup object. In this case, Account Rollups is a child of Account, and it has a 1:1 relationship with the Account object. Once you select the Account Rollup, the Rollup fields appear on the list. You can reference the fields easily and insert them to the script palette to write the expression. In this case, use the fields AccountRollup?.SumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue and AccountRollup?.HierSumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue in your expression. These are the custom rollups you created in the previous step.
  11. Build an expression like the sample here:
    def thisAccountOptyRevn = (AccountRollup?.SumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue)?:0;
    def hierAccountOptyRevn = (AccountRollup?.HierSumOfOpenOpportunitiesRevenue)?:0;
    def str = "";
    if( hierAccountOptyRevn == 0 )
     str = sprintf("\$%,.2f",thisAccountOptyRevn);
     str = sprintf("For this Account: \$%,.2f\nFor the Account Hierarchy: \$%,.2f", thisAccountOptyRevn, hierAccountOptyRevn);
    return str;

    Here's a sample image of the Create Formula Field: Configure Expression page:

    The screen shot shows the expression configured for the Total Open Opportunities Revenue formula field.
  12. Click Submit.

Step 2: Add the Formula Fields to the Account Profile Page

  1. Enter an active sandbox.
  2. From the Navigator, go to Configuration > Application Composer > Standard Objects > Account > Pages > Application Pages > Details Page Layouts.
  3. Create a copy of the Details Layout and add the two custom fields you created in step 1: Total Open Opportunities and Hierarchy Total Open Opportunities Revenue.
  4. Save your changes.

Step 3: Create Custom Rollups to Populate the Data of the Formula Fields

  1. Exit the sandbox and navigate to Application Composer > Define Rollups.
  2. Create rollups for Total Open Opportunities and Hierarchy Total Open Opportunity Revenue.
  3. When creating the rollups, assign the formula fields you created as a Rollup Attribute and a Hierarchy Rollup Attribute, respectively.
  4. Test your rollup.
  5. Run a full refresh on the rollup.
  6. Publish the rollup.

For detailed steps, see the What are the steps to set up rollups? topic.

At the end of the configuration, the two rollups you created appear on the Edit Account: Profile page. Here's a sample image:

The screen shot is of the Account Profile page that shows the rollups added using formula fields.

Example Contact Rollups Created Using the Formula Fields

In this example, we will create four contact rollups using only one formula field, and then we'll show the rollups on the Contact Profile page. Our example rollups are:
  • Total Touches with a Contact
  • Last Touch with a Contact
  • Number of Open Service Requests Created by a Contact
  • Number of Critical Open Service Requests Created by a Contact

Step 1: Create Custom Formula Fields

  1. Enter an active sandbox. From the Navigator, go to Configuration > Application Composer > Standard Objects > Contact > Fields.
  2. On the Fields page, click Actions > Create.
  3. Select Formula and click OK.

    To learn more about the formula fields, read the Formula Fields topic in the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

  4. On the Create Formula Field page, enter Contact Engagement for Display Label, and enter the same name, but without spaces, in the Name field.
  5. For Display Type, select Multiline Text Area.
    The screenshot shows creating a multiline text area formula field for a custom contact rollup, Contact Engagement.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Configure Expression page, build an expression that can show the following attributes in a single field:
    • Number of touches.
    • The last touch with the contact.
    • The number or open service requests.
    • Critical open service requests associated with the contact.

      Touches refer to the total Emails sent, or calls made to a contact. The expression evaluates the number of open or critical service requests. You can add a string to the expression to display a friendly message if there are no SRs associated with a contact. Here's a sample expression you can build for the field:

      Display name: Contact Engagement (Custom field: ContactEngagement_c):
      Total Touches with Contact:
      Last touch being: ?
      Note that the contact has x Service request of which x are critical
      No outstanding SRs
      def contactLastTouchDate = ContactRollup?.LastTouchDate
      def contactNumTouches = (ContactRollup?.NumberOfTouches)?:0;
      def contactCriticalSrs = (ContactRollup?.NumberOfOpenCriticalServiceRequests)?:0;
      def contactSrs = (ContactRollup?.NumberOfOpenServiceRequests)?: 0;
      def str = "";
      if( contactNumTouches > (BigDecimal)0 )
       str = "Total touches with contact: " + contactNumTouches + "\n";
      if( contactLastTouchDate )
       str = str + "Last touch being: " + contactLastTouchDate.format("M/d/yyyy") + "\n";
      if( contactSrs )
       str = str + "This contact has " + contactSrs + " open service request";
       if( contactSrs > (BigDecimal) 1 ) // plural for service request?
         str = str+ "s";
       if( contactCriticalSrs )
           str = str + ", " +contactCriticalSrs+ " critical!";
       str = str + "There are no outstanding Service Requests for this contact";
      return str;
  8. Click Submit.

Step 2: Add the Formula Field to the Contact Profile Page

  1. Enter an active sandbox. From the navigator, go to Configuration > Application Composer > Standard Objects > Contact > Pages > Application Pages > Details Page Layouts.
  2. Create a copy of the Details layout and add the Customer Engagement field you created in the step 1.
  3. Save your changes.

Step 3: Create a Custom Rollup to Populate the Data of the Formula Field

  1. Come out of the sandbox and navigate to Application Composer > Define Rollups.
  2. Create a custom rollup and assign the Contact Engagement formula field as a rollup attribute.
  3. Test your rollup.
  4. Run a full refresh on the rollup.
  5. Publish the rollup.

For detailed steps, see the What are the steps to set up rollups? topic.

At the end of the configuration, you can see the rollup showing all four attributes in a single field on the Edit Contact: Profile page. Here's a sample image:

The screen shot is of the Contact Profile page that shows the rollup added using a multiline text area formula field.