Create a Lead Qualification Template

You can use a lead qualification template to set up questionnaires that guide salespeople through the lead qualification process. You can set up multiple qualification templates, each for a different product.

  1. Open the task Manage Sales Lead Qualification Template from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Leads

    • Task: Manage Sales Lead Qualification Template

  2. Click Create (the plus sign icon) to create a new template, or you can copy and modify the template provided by Oracle.

Enter Basic Template Details

Make these entries in the Enter Details page:

  1. Enter a template name. For example: Imported Web Leads.

  2. Select Lead as the Template Type.

  3. For the Template Set, select Common Set.

    Sets make it possible for you to target different qualification templates for different business units, but the application covered in this guide uses only one business unit. For an explanation of how you can tailor your sales application for multiple business units, see the Implementation Reference guide.

  4. Click Next.

Configure Ratings

Ratings group question responses in a template into different categories. There are three predefined ratings: Poor, Average, and Good. You can add your own ratings or modify the predefined ratings. When you're done, click Next.

Create Question Groups, Questions, and Responses

Create the question groups, which serve as headings in the template, and the questions within each group.

  1. Click Create (the plus icon) and select Create Question Group.

  2. Enter a name, which appears as the heading for this group of questions, and click Save and Close.

  3. Now create your questions for this group. For each question:

    1. Click Create (the plus icon) and select Create Question.

    2. In the Create Question window, enter the question text.

    3. Enter a weight indicating how important this question is in the qualification process. You have a chance to revisit and adjust the weights to all the questions at a later stage.

    4. Click Save and Close.

  4. Enter the possible responses for each question:

    1. Enter the response, score and rating.

      Here are the response entries for a yes or no question, for example: Did you reach the contact by phone?










    2. When you complete entering your questions, you can reorder the questions by clicking Move (the double right arrow).

  5. Click Next.

Edit Question Weights, Configure Score Ranges, and Associate Task Templates

Use these steps to edit the question weights, configure score ranges, and associate task templates:

  1. On the Edit Question Weights page, the weights in the Weights column for each question until the total equals 100.

  2. Click Save and then Next.

  3. The application derives the score range for ratings using the scoring to response mapping in the questions and responses that you entered earlier. On the Configure Score Range Attributes page, you can select the Override Score Ranges option to edit the automatically derived score ranges. You can also set different start and end scores for the ratings. You can use the Graph Color list to change the colors shown in the various score ranges.

Deploy the Qualification Template

When you're ready to deploy the qualification template, do the following:

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click Deploy.

  3. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

    The application displays any errors in setup. For example, if you did not enter question weights which total 100.

    Note: After you deploy a template, you can't change its name or edit many other aspects. If you need to make changes, make changes in a copy, and then deploy the copy.