Create a REST Web Service for Similar Records API

Here's how you create a REST Web Service for Similar Records API:

  1. Enter an active sandbox. From the navigator, go to Configurations > Application Composer > Common Setup > Web Services.
  2. On the Web Services page, click the new web service icon.
  3. On the Select Connection Type window, select REST and click OK.
    Create a REST web service.
  4. On the Create REST Web Service Connection page, enter a Connection Name. For example, SalesMLQueryAPISimilarRecords.

    Ensure that you use same connection name in Global Function Groovy as well. See the Create a Global Function for SalesMLQueryAPI Similar Records section in this topic.

  5. Leave the API-based REST Service check box blank.
  6. Select OData for REST Service Type.
  7. Enter a URL in the format, https://<host>/crmRestApi/salesML/resources/latest/salesMLQueryAPI For example,
  8. Select any of these values for Authentication Scheme:
    • Call with Basic Authentication.
    • Propagate user identity using SAML.
    • Propagate user identity using SAML over SSL.

      Here's a screenshot of the Create REST Web Service Connection page. The page shows the API name, REST service related settings selected, and a sample URL entered.

      Enter the web service details.
  9. Next, enter information in the Select and Configure Methods against the Resource section:
    1. Select the POST check box.
    2. Let the Method Name be POST and Format be JSON.
    3. Select Code Sample for Request Payload and enter this code into the text field:
          "UseCaseCode" : "CX_SIMILAR_ACCOUNTS",
          "QueryMetadata":"whereClause:partyid =  300100006784914;numberOfRows:5"
    4. Select Code Sample for Response Payload and enter this code into the text field:
              "PARTYID": "300100006785018",
              "INDUSTRYCODE": "",
              "ORGANIZATIONSIZE": "",
              "STATE": "CA",
              "COUNTRY": "US",
              "POSTALCODE": "94065",
              "CITY": "Redwood Shores",
              "EMPLOYEESTOTAL": "1",
              "PROB": "0.8740334165546894",
              "CLUSTER_ID": "370",
              "RNK_CLUS2": "6"

    Select the POST configure method.
  10. Click Save and Close.

    The application creates a web service for the similar records API.