Create Sales Users in the UI

Here's how to create sales users in the UI. The procedure is slightly different for managers and individual contributors:

  • You must assign each manager with his or her own resource organization. You can create the resource organization while creating the manager.

  • Each individual contributor automatically inherits the manager's resource organization.

The application determines who's a manager from the resource role you assign to the user.

  1. There are two ways to get to the UI where you create users:
    • In Setup and Maintenance, go to the following:

      • Offering: Sales

      • Functional Area: Users and Security

      • Task: Manage Users

    • In the Navigator, click Users and Roles under the My Team heading.

  2. On the Search Person page, click Create.
  3. On the Create User page, Personal Details region, enter the user's name and a unique email address.

    The application sends all notifications regarding the user account to this email address unless you turn off notifications in the Security Console work area.

    Tip: If you want ensure that users are never notified by email, you can change the domain of the email addresses to any of the special discard email domains provided by Oracle. For example, you can substitute See the Implementation Reference guide for details.

    After you create the user, you can no longer update the email address in the Manage Users work area. You must instead update the email address on the Users tab in the Security Console work area or using Import Management.

  4. The application prepopulates today's date in the Hire Date field and uses that date as the start date for the resource.

    If you're planning to use quotas, then you must make sure that the hire date is a date before the start of the first quota period. For example, if you're allocating monthly quotas for fiscal year July 01, 2019 to June 30, 2020, then you must enter a hire date of 7-1-2019 or earlier. You can't change the hire date after you create the user.

  5. In the User Details region, enter the user name.

    If you leave the User Name field blank, then the application automatically creates a user name for you. By default, the application uses the email as the user name. You can select other default user name formats, such as first name initial and last name, in the Security Console work area.

  6. If you didn't disable notifications in the Security Console, you can select the Send user name and password option. Selecting the option sends users a URL they can use to reset their password and sign in. The application sends the email notification immediately after you save the user record for the first time. This option is available only before you save. After you save the record, you must instead use the Security Console to reset the password and send the notification.
  7. Make these selections in the Employment Information region:
    Field What to Select

    Person Type


    Legal Employer

    Your company name followed by the suffix LE.

    Business Unit

    Your company name followed by the suffix LE BU.

    The legal employer and the business unit names aren't visible in the sales application, so the names don't have to correspond to actual entities in your company.

    Note: The sales application doesn't use the remaining fields in the Employment Information region: Job, Grade, Department, Location, Mail Stop, and Manager.
  8. Make these entries in the Resource Information region:
    1. From the Resource Role list, select the role the user plays in the resource organization. For example, select either the Sales Representative or the Sales Manager resource role.

    2. From the Reporting Manager list, select the user's manager.

    3. If the user you're creating is a manager, then you must enter a resource organization for the user in the Organization field.

      Here's how you create the resource organization from this step:

      1. Click Create link at the end of the Organization list.

        Make these entries in the Create Organization window:

      2. Enter the organization name.

      3. Make sure the Sales option is selected and click OK.

    4. If the user you're creating isn't a manager, then the resource organization is automatically copied from the manager.

  9. Click Autoprovision Roles.

    The application provisions the job and abstract roles according to the role provisioning rules.

  10. Click Save and Close.

    The application creates the user. If you selected the Send User Name and Password option, then the application also sends the email with the URL the user can use to sign in to the application for the first time.